D84, 3 Jan. So this morning I fed Gege with 1.5L at 100% dose of nutes for autos. I Think it will be the last feed with nutes. We'll see if there is alot of new white pistils. When I open the tent, the smell is coming out. Buds are smelling very lemony, hmmmmmmmmm. Getting anxious to taste her!
D86 Gege had 1.5L with only natures candy nute. I think choping her tommorow or in 2,3 days. She smell so good! Buds are not that big, but they are beautiful and compact. This is mostly my fault as I'm still in early stage of learning and applying to my setup! Next grow is going to be monstruous!! I hope..... :)
D87 Mmmm still thinking if I should chop. I don't see amber thricome and I've still have a lot of white hair. We'll see in 2, 3 days again. She was long to vege so I'll let her some more time.
D88 So, again 1.5L with candy nutes. No amber thricoms 😬
Oh, I recheck de spec of the strain and it says 8weeks so I still need to be very patient. I've stop prematurely the nutes. I'll maybe give her a couples a shot next feeds. I see alot of people chopping in 6 weeks so that's why I had that time range in head.
D90 Gege was fed 1.625L this morning with nutes at dose for autoflower at 0.75mL/L. She smell so good. I think it's the nicest odor I had a chance to smell on a weed plant.
Hi, I'm having a curling leaf problem. Only the tip of the older leaves curl. Someone has an idea or suggestions? Water Ph 6.3, room temps 80.5F, humidity 65 to 70%, PPFD 250, potting soil.
Thanks guys, At one point I did gave her a whole liter with nutes and since then I wasn't able to dry completly the pot. There seem to be a spot that wont dry in center bottom even after 8 day of not watering. Should I transplant it in new soil or it's too late? I try to irrigate it close to the contour with 300ml at 2, 3 days interval to not over feed. For my next grow I'll maybe add perlite or try promix HP and be more gradual in watering.
Both your temp and your humidity are too high for her.... I'd knock the heat down to the mid-70s at least if you can and the humidity needs to get down into the 50s...
DON'T transplant this lady... she's an auto and that kind of stress will stop her from developing on her own time schedule - you'll actually be preventing her from going into flower... She would have zero time to recover!
Good luck!