JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 106 years ago
Hmmm ... mwell... well ... well...
You’re noticing a lot of problems, but they are more personal opinions than real facts bro...
Let me tell you what happened... that plant was between Mother Nature hands under the sun during most of her life cycle ... then suddenly you’ve put her under your LED and blasted her right in her face !
So ... in week 10 you’ve found what was the right symptoms but didn’t solve the problem correctly !
Magnesium is the central molecule in the chlorophyll ion and of course gets used up in the photosynthesis process.... and what does power up the photosynthesis process ? The light ☝️
But another problem that I’m suspecting is you might have switched between Veg nutrients to Bloom nutrients to early or didn’t gave her enough Nitrogen before switching to flowering to support the stretch ...
Checking pH is good but you must understand the absolute necessity of having an EC/TDS meter to know what you’re really doing and what’s happening in case of any problems ...
I won’t give you hopes or tell you any dreams .... but that plant is already dead bro....
There’s plenty of Masters Growers on GrowDiaries where you can find your inspiration and make it right if you follow step by step their style , you have the choice between all the range from Soil and HPS to Hydro and LED’s or whatever ....
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