Pretty happy with the outcome so far. This style of growing will not yield the the most or greatest stuff due to all the stress but it's for the looks.
And this girl looked awesome.
Very happy with this grow and looking forward to doing something else.
Think I will do a photo period next so I have more control.
Thanks for following!!
OMGS is this a club toilet?? 😗It's a great idea I love it, I hate it, I look at it forever. 😅 We've all been there.. Super cool diary, bro!! 💚 Respect!
I've been floating around in here (Grow Diaries) for about two years now and have seen a fair few diaries.
This has to be the best I've seen to date. I even laughed a little. Funny as fuck.
Well played fella, did ya give it a 6 month cure too? LOL
@PHatDriver, Thank you it was a pretty fun grow as well as a fun weekend of shooting the photos. I have the cannabonsi bug now. I just popped 3 beans for 3 new cannabonsi projects so I will be posting them on here as well.
@Seedsman, Thanks guys. This was a super fun contest. Appricate you guys putting it on. It has been fun watching all the little grows. People and these plants are amazing
Beautifull bonsai technique you applied there!
I have been wanting to experiment with bonsai technique's for a while now.
Was this your first attempt?
Sure does not look like a first timer :D
@JayBane, ya I'm still new here at growdiaries but I think you can follow me. I just popped 8 beans for my next regular grow but as soon as they are a little further along I'm going to pop another for a cannabonsai. I just need to get all the supply's.
The contest rules said no transplanting so I had to go against the grain so to speak with what you would typ. do. Right now trying to source some pots. They are a little pricey for nice ones. I think I will just get a cheap plastic one for now. I do have the show piece already for the grow. I picked up a little easter island statue I'm going to run the roots over.
Oh man!
been an interest of mine for a long time, just been lacking a sufficient space to do it :(
Def keep me posted man!
Lookin forward to seeing more of your bonsai work :D
you got something good going there ;)
@JayBane, Thank you. Yes this is my first attempt with cannabonsai. Pretty sure I just got lucky with this one. The root on the outside was a after thought when I noticed some of the roots creeping over the side of the pot. so I threw some soil on the side to see what it would do. I have a little soil under the pot to help feed that root and keep it going. It has been a really fun project and I think I'm going to start doing this as a side hobby.
I'm sure I will make lots of mistakes in the next ones but like I said for a first attempt I think I got pretty lucky and its doing really well.
@Mr_Awesome_Badass, haha I love that so much. Would like to know what she knows about corn- all I know is it's a whole grain and yep, that's how it comes out as well 😂
Wife has a weird fascination with corn and the digestive system. She even has a zombie corn tattoo. Think the movie Sausage Party.
So when I found the toilet pot on Amazon the light bulbs went off in my head. So I sculpted a pile of shit with corn. I have a lot more figures and surprises coming. Along with a better story.
@420DeepGrow, I really hope so. I put quite a bit of work into it. But if not thats okay. It was really fun doing it and I learned a lot. Thanks again!!