Week #2-Nov 2 to Nov 8
11/2-Increased nute load by 25% for week 2. Will monitor. Increased light intensity to 500 PPFD at 60% on VS2000.
11/4-Up the nute load again to with 6.28 Ph and 720 ppm. Runoff was 6.07/590. Was not paying attention and did not adjust the Ph down a bit to the 6 ish range. I'll look for any adverse effects and adjust it back for tomorrow if I see anything.
11/6-Adjusted the ph down a bit on today's feeding. Runoff at 6.0/690. 3 nodes deep with 4th just starting. I have used the topping technique on all my past auto grows with success and its definitely increased my yields. This time around though I decided to try a different HST technique...fimming. Based on what I've read if I do it right this should encourage 4 new colas rather than the 2 I'd get from topping. This Forgotten Cookies is off to a great start and so I 'fimmed' the 4th node which is just starting to emerge. I'm interested to see how she does and whether I actually get 4 rather than 2 new colas. Will monitor.
11/7-No apparent adverse effect from 'fimming'. It appears that 2 separate stems are starting to develop ad advertised. Overall the plant looks awesome. Runoff this morning was 6.1 ph/720 ppm which is right on the money.
11/8-First 2 weeks of growth went well. Plant is looking very healthy from the start. I went a little more aggressive this time around on the nutes and the plant handled it fine. Next week I'll bump them up again by 50% ish. Attempted my first "fim" and I'm very interested to see a) if I got it right , and b) what the impact on final growth and yield will be. So far so good.