First tent budding nicely. Well, for a first timer I am glad they are still going and I haven't killed them.
Not sure when to defoliate blue dream as do not want to stunt growth. However, some bud sites are not getting the best light they could have.
Always welcome advice. π
Second tent fast growing veg stage. Started LST on Amensia and Blue Dream.
I appear to have little white bugs in my coco? What are these and how do I sort this. Good thing is in my second tent I am using completely seperate equipment and it appears to only be in the week 7-8 tent. The week 3-4 tent is unaffected.
Without seeing the actual bug itself it's going to be hard to identify, but a tiny white bug that people do find in their coco and sometimes worm castings, are springtails which are completely harmless to the plant, but if you want a more precise answer we're gonna need to see that bug. Lol.
Interested in opinions on where the gelato autoflower is at. Do you think it is a couple of weeks before I harvest? I didn't expect a lot of this as went on hols for a week and friend forgot to feed.
Hey there. So, seen you having rough time off it at the start. Seems to be undercontrol now.
As for defoliation. You only need to do this after all stages of growth are over. (Never should you do any hard defol before or during pre flower) pre flower last anywhere from 10-20 days. Then, when that stage of growth is over. Then you can open up bud site to light. As they do not need it before all stages of growth are over. And your main stage of growth will be during pre flower. So you need every leaf possible to turn energy into making your sites. And then after pre flower is over. Then open her up to allow for farthing/ripening of the bud. All in all. Takes anywhere from 35-55 days for autos.. fems you are looking anywhere from 55-70 days.
@gottagrowsometime, mine are all autos fems. I have a mix of strains, and all seem to be doing slightly different things. Thanks for the great advice, it all makes great sense. I am starting to increase watering. Coco is a b***h for that. lol. I can see why it is so loved, but wow, now they are getting thirsty I am seeing them drinking nearly double. The lights in the second tent are a lot stronger. Still a long way to go before full power. First tent is a few weeks into bud, and I am using these as a learning experience for the second.
I did this as I was diagnosed with PTSD. Funny thing is growing these and using medical I am feeling so much happier. It's going to work out so much cheaper as I am not in that well paid job. I am fully into growing now. It's so enjoyable as a hobby. Cheers again.