Could be into the final week of flower. The Trichomes are starting to cloud and very few amber. It's far different than being on a Aeroponic Spray Flushing is lowering Nutrition somewhat but virtually impossible to lift and put into a tray or pail.
There be big sticky buds coming close to harvest. She has still a lot of foliage and nice hard bud. She could have done a little better had she not been short in stature compared to another in this mix. I wouldn't have had to raise the light so much.😎
@Thaiclee, Inside corner of the pot at the bottom tray you would put the hose attachment next to the float. Turn the vac on and pour gallons of fresh water PH'd into the top of the plant pot
It bleeds out the bottom fills up the tray Suck it up with the shop vac.😎