The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Pink Lemonade mmmmmm

2 years ago
2 years ago
Welcome to the new diary! This will be a 'back to basics' run. Just All Purpose, power bloom, rock dust and dynomyco in the soil. PH tap water with worm castings and top feeding by feel/eye. Let's fill this tent! Germination went well. 3/4 seeds popped tap roots in 48 hours in paper towel, planted and poking through 24 hours later. Fourth seed didn't take in towel, so put in water glass and had tap root in 72 hours. Planted fourth seed 5 days after the rest. Under the photontek SQ300w 40" height @50% power, temp 25°C 65-69%RH.
1 comment
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
67 %
21 °C
0 L
0 L
101.6 cm
First week of veg has gone along quite well. #1-3 are 3 inches tall with almost 2 full sets of leaves each. #4 is being weird, was slow to sprout a tap root, now it's growing it's first set after only 1/8 inch of height, she's just off the dirt! We will see what she does and make it work, sometimes the runt has the best yields! Just keeping the soil moist for now, maybe 50-100ml of water each every 3-4 days. Just enough to see a few drops come out bottom of solo cup. Let's keep on keeping on and get these ladies big enough to transplant into 2 gallons in next week or two. Before Xmas 🤞.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
21 °C
8 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 3
Mycorrhizal Inoculant - Dynomyco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant 1.5 mll
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 3.906 mll
Basalt Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Basalt Rock Dust 1.302 mll
So it's the end of week 2 Veg and I can't believe it but I transplanted 3 of the girls already! I don't think I have ever transplanted that early, usually it's at least another week or more. Guess that's the difference of starting under T5 bulb vs starting under full spectrum LED. Incorporating microriza into starting soils helped also I'm sure! By day 18 they were looking a little sad, water didn't help so figured they're probably short on space and craving their new 2 gallon fabric pots. Took them out of the solo cups and as they pics show they were ready indeed! Roots for days, nice and thick/healthy/white roots. When prepping soil I use a 100L bin. I always make sure to wash my hands and wear a face mask as the dry amendments get into the air during mixing and you really don't want to breath that. I mix the soil with worm castings to an 80/20 ratio then add my dry amendments and mix well. As well as incorporating Dynomyco into the soil at the recommended rate of 15ml per 10L I also sprinkle it into the transplant hole. Since using this stuff I've never had transplant shock and they just seem to grow faster and thrive more 💪. Light has been at 30" and have lowered to 25"@50%. Goal is to reach 17.5" which should give a spread of 450-500 umol/s according to PAR tests. Can't wait to see the growth this week! 🤞👍🙏
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
21 °C
8 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 1
Liquid worm casting 10 mll
Wee has gone by nice and smooth. Girls have all doubled in height save for #4 who I'm thinking is gonna be a midget haha. Watering them enough to keep the soil moist I'd say about 200-250ml each watering (every two days) with just enough to moisten top soil on the off days. Removed the lowest two branches off #1-3 to get them further from soil and they didn't even skip a beat. Probably top them early upcoming week. Had to put them in my 4x4 with the two Auto's for day 27(today)/28(tomorrow) because we are experiencing a crazy winter storm and power is on/off. My 4x4 has a large battery backup that also regulates power spikes and supplements the lows so not nearly as hard on the light/equipment. Runs long enough for me to get generator up and running. Unplugged the 3x3 setup until this passes, save the gear. Means temps will be 24°C and 52%RH. Low end for veg but high end for flower, gotta compromise but they're healthy I have faith they will pull through. 💪. Also repotted #4 to a 2 gallon early week. She looked ready, and though cup wasn't full roots were healthy and substantial. No sign or shock good ol' dynomyco Hope everyone has a good week and a merry Christmas!
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
21 °C
8 L
0 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 1
Liquid worm casting 10 mll
Wow can't believe another week has passed already! Had a busy week with Christmas and family dinners and whatnot so got #1-3 topped early in the week on Xmas Eve. Didn't even look shocked the next day and by end of the week the growth is 1.5" on the new mains already 💪. Topped them maybe a day or so early, it was tight work but looks like all three plants were done properly as can be seen in the pics. Have been watering daily, working on keeping the soil moist and it seems to be making for happy plants. Trying to follow the BuildaSoil watering guide, basically if you think of soil moisture on scale of 1-10, 1 being desert dry and 10 being mud, you want to keep the soil between a 3-7 at all times to promote best organic life 🤷. So if looking at it on a 2 day cycle for me that means day 1 is about 500ml per plant, but day 2 is only 125ml per plant. Also watering with the sprayer seems to be keeping the soil from compacting as badly as it has in previous runs. Also the girls never look sad after watering so must be doing something right 🤞👍. They were in the 4x4 for 3 days, power issues due to big winter storm but even at the high end of VPD (.9) they did well. Could tell a difference though once they did get back in the 3x3 (.5-.6) much happier plants. Hope everyone has had a great holiday season and is enjoying their gardens!
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
33.02 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
20 °C
8 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Happy New Year everyone! Another week has gone by (so fast!) and the girls are looking great! Not much vertical growth recorded but that's because I did a lot of LST on #1-3 and topped #4. Visually 3-4" growth on the arms. Trained #1-3 and topped #4 just before lights out on day 39. Usually use garden ties but find it tough to water when have 8-10 on a 2gal bucket so tried out these BudClips that I've seen people use and they worked great! Plants turned back up to the lights within 36 hours after being bent 45° to ground, fast turn around. Still used ties for the shorter parts, the clips require roughly 5-6" of growth to fit them properly I'm finding. Otherwise adjusted the light to 20" and turned the power up to 75% should be giving a PAR between 500-600 where last week was roughly 400-500. Girls are getting watered close to 500ml each day, although some days only 250ml. Just watering by feel. Slightly lifting the pots to gauge dry vs wet weight, and also getting used to how the sides of the pot feels when wet vs dry. Making it easy to find any dry/wet spots that are maybe not getting the right amount of water. Just have to make sure not to over do it! Every day just before watering they are starting to droop slightly, and the pots are at a 3 (out of 10) for wetness, sometimes a 2. Don't want to completely dry out bad for the living soil. Hope everyone else has had a great week and a good start to the new year!
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
35.56 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
21 °C
8 L
0 L
50.8 cm
Looks like another week has flown by with these girls! Was a busy week as well with lots happening in the grow tent. Not much vertical growth again, but wow they're filling in! On Day 43 I cleaned out the 4x4, sprayed down tent/light/fans/filters and got the girls moved in as they were really filling out the 3x3 already! Have the Photontek x465w running 75%@20" for 450-600 PAR range and they seem quite happy 🙂. Day 45 things were looking healthy and quite bushy so gave the girls their first defoliation. Took about 35-40% of the leaves/growth off (filled my small garbage) and they bounced back within 24 hours! Seem like a pretty resilient strain so far 🤞. Did notice some fungus gnats in the tent so applied a coating of Diatomaceous Earth to all plants. It's quite effective, but have to reapply after topsoil dries each watering for it to be effective. Also have yellow sticky traps around which are doing their job. To negate this problem in the future I am going back to watering every 2-3 days. Right now that means 4L every 48 hours between the 4 plants. Filling top and allowing to soak in, with a SMALL amount of runoff by end of water. Should help keep gnats away. Day 49, the end of the week is here and it hardly looks like the girls were defoliated at all! Each plant has 6-8 "tops" that have all been trained into place and are starting to create quite the canopy, and I haven't even gotten out the netting yet! #3 so far has the flattest one in my opinion, but they're all coming along so well. Fungas gnats see to be just about all gone, will keep up with treatment for another few days to make sure and be more alert going forward. On another note I'm reading that this strain has a "high" stretch rate, so I better get my butt in gear and transplant these girls into their 5gal final homes and get them ready to flower! Happy growing!
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Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
38.1 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
60 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 6
Diatomaceous Earth 1.321 mll
Mycorrhizal Inoculant - Dynomyco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant 2.642 mll
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 11.888 mll
Was a nice productive healthy week with the girls. Day 44 transplanted them into their final 5 gallon pots. Roots were reaching bottom and sides of pot, but not overgrown. Could have left another week, but as impressive as it is to see a pot packed with roots long as they're white and healthy looking it's fine with me. Good mix of the usual amendments into Gaia Green Living Soil and a healthy dusting of Dynomyco in the hole and away we went! Oh and transplant was done just before lights out. Usually when I try and time any stressful events for the girls, give them time to rest up. Day 45 put the LST ties back on (left off for first 12 hours just to minimize stress) and the girls were all looking nice and heathy day after transplant. Day 47 just some LST adjustment and removal of 2 fan leaves per plant just to open up some light. Wasn't planned just turned out to be same amount of each plant. Funny how that happens sometimes! So far this strain has been a joy to grow 🙂. They've taken very well to training, seem to be pretty resilient in general. Temps and humidity in tent have been solid this run, finally have it dialed in so ~1% RH variance during the day and temps ~0.5°C swing when lights on. Just have to remember to turn humidifier up slightly day before watering and she's steady. Happy growing!
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
2 years ago
48.26 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
55 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Well folks that's officially the last week of Veg, and it was another busy week! Day 50 gave 12L water between all 4 plants. Everyone was looking VERY bushy and happy so on Day 51 I did a large defoliation on all 4 girls. Basically took off everything except for the last 3 nodes on higher branches, last two nodes on lower branches. Were looking droopy by the end of it but I did take off 50-60% of the plant. Got the net installed, and closed the tent for the lights out period. Day 52 just opened the tent to check on them and everyone is looking very happy! All plants "praying" to the light. The girls are almost touching the net already and canopy height looking nice and even on all plants. This tent is gonna be stuffed! Day 54 everyone has been looking really good this week and the net is filling in just as I hoped, so started taking 2 hours off the lights each day to get these girls into flower! Also gave the girls 12L water @ 6.5 PH. Just the smallest runoff (one or two pools the size of a dollar coin) and seems to keep them happy for 3-4 days. Day 56 at lights out it's officially the end of VEG period so exciting! The girls have grown 5" (20%) just in the last 3 days 🤯. Glad I started to flower now these could get big! Also yesterday was first day with the light at 100%. Will let the plants grow until 13" from light and then will be raising the light daily to keep up with growth. Should get around 750-900umol/s with those settings 🤞. Still running just one 6" fan to spread the humidifier output and one 6" oscillating fan above the canopy for air movement. Added a static 6" intake during the week to help with tent suction, the fan really pulls (max 410CFM) and has been hitting 4/10 some days. Controls still keeping temps where they should be, great system. Can't wait to see the changes this week!
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
58.42 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Well it's official the first week of flower is in the bag! All in all not an eventful week but it's always exciting to see the girls start their transformation to flower and seeing the stretch kick in! Netting is really filling in nicely, will be a good clean up job on fan leaves in a week or so. Did a diatomaceous earth treatment because I was noticing some fungus gnats still, had it on for 48 hours and since have not seen any new ones in the traps so 🤞. Added a 6" oscillating fan below canopy, should help keep temps even and keep bugs away. With all the trimming down there the fan doesn't even effect the leaves hahaha. Flower week 2 here we come!
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
53 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 1
Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Power Bloom 3.963 mll
Wow week two of flower is done and I am SO happy with how these four girls are doing. Day 9F/72S they got their first top dressing of Power Bloom at 75ml right before watering, dug into first few inches of soil like usual. I make sure to top dress the Power Bloom every 3 weeks and the other additives every 4 weeks, seems to keep the plants happy. Day 12F/75S things are looking healthy but quite bushy and I'm seeing some growth on the low parts of branches and below main canopy level so did a good cleanup at lights out. Helps to keep from wasting energy on bud sites that will get very little light and produce small/larfy buds. Also redirects that energy into the tops for bigger yields 🤞. Took off a good amount lots of airflow down there now. Day 14F/77S. All the girls are looking happy and healthy. Spending their days praying to the light and packing on bud sites! Looking down on the canopy she is just about full, glad I left some space to start! Oh and there was no noticable shock to the plants from the trim on the 12th day so that's good. Have been keeping the light at 16" from main canopy (aside from 3-4 extra tall branches) and running 100%. Goal is to let them grow another 3" so they are 13" from light and then will raise daily for the last bit of their growth. Should keep it around 750-950umol/s. Still watering 3L per plant every 3 days with just the slightest runoff from each. Tested runoff and is 6.7, usually don't do this but had enough one watering and was curious so figured why not. Was a great week can't wait to see next week's changes!
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
2 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
51 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
All Purpose - Gaia Green
All Purpose 1.981 mll
Super Fly Insect Frass - Gaia Green
Super Fly Insect Frass 3.963 mll
Basalt Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Basalt Rock Dust 3.963 mll
Well it was a good week this week, all the girls have been looking healthy and still gaining height. Day 16 flower gave them a top dressing of All purpose, superfly, and basalt 15ml per gallon. It's been a month since transplant so they're due. Day 21 flower things are really coming alone! All four plants are showing trichomes already I'm super happy. They were looking pretty thick though and not much if any light getting through the canopy so just before lights out spent an 1.25 hours and defoliated them. Removed anything not getting light as well as all old growth fan leaves, and maybe 2-3 very small branches that were below canopy but trying to flower, must have missed them last defoliation oops! Not really much else to say, still watering 12L every 3 days but might have to bump it to 2 soon, keep an eye on them and see but usually by week 3-4 of flower I'm watering every 2. Maybe we will start to see some color soon, some of the phenom for this plant are quite vibrant!
Week 12. Flowering
2 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
49 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Well not much to say this week, no defoliation, no top dressing, just watching the plants filling in and get frosty!! ❄️😁. All four girls are looking pretty darn happy with life. Although #3 is a lighter color they're all fed and watered the same so I'll just chalk it up to different pheno. Two of the girls are starting to show purple on the leaves and a pinkish hue on the bud sites. 🤞For some awesome colors! Still watering every 3 days but now 14L instead of 12L. No drooping on water day but soil nice and dried out so timing is working 👍. Picked a few leaves (maybe a dozen or so each) off #1 and #2, but they didn't get defoliated quite as well so not surprised. Just leaves that were really bunched up or below canopy with no light. Here's hoping for another good week!
Week 13. Flowering
2 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
49 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 1
Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Power Bloom 3.963 mll
Was a good week, no issues just good ol' bud growth. Sitting back and watching the buds grow is by far my favorite past time hahaha. On Day 31F/94S gave the girls their top dressing of Power Bloom while watering at lights on. Day 33 pulled maybe 6-8 fan leaves off #2 and #3, was getting a bit thick where they meet and good bud sites were being covered. So ya was a pretty smooth week, watering 16L (4L each) every 3 days and they're still happy. Came home from work mid week and went down to basement was slapped by a strong weed smell, guess it was time to replace the carbon filter, oops! Reversed the flanges on it and it helped a lot but still smelling. This filter has got a hard 8 months of use in, might still be fine for when plants not SO smelly but not in last third of flower. Fan is running harder now too, max 8 of 10 when lights out day after watering. Glad everything is automated, so much easier than first indoor grow with manual controls. Hope this week goes well 🤞
1 like
Week 14. Flowering
2 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
45 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 1
Liquid worm castings 10 mll
Well not to be a broken record but another smooth week with just a bit of work. The buds are just getting stickier and more fat by the day. Day 41 gave a covering of Diatomaceous Earth just to make sure no bug problems. Haven't seen any sign, but this close to the end doesn't hurt to make sure. While I was at it I pulled off maybe 8-10 leaves per plant (at most!) Mostly to uncover bud sites. Plant #1 did have some dried out leaves (maybe 2?) that were dead right in the middle under the canopy. Glad I caught them before could decompose or cause problems. Checked surrounding area very well and no other signs of problems. Were most likely ones I had cut last week and accidently dropped into the plant but will be checking daily for next few days just to be sure. Starting to see some of the leaves turning a nice orange/red color. So far this strain has been a fun grow! All the girls took very well to the LST and topping, with their weekly growth never really seeming to slow! They are pretty darn stanky right now, strong lemon and something else but mmmmm smells delicious! Had to change our my carbon filter, new one seems to be doing better than old one. I'd guess old one was clearing 60% of the smell, but new one almost 100%, just the faintest hint of weed, but could be the basement just needs to air for a few days with the new filter 🤷. Also the trichomes are REALLY packing onto these plants! When I pulled leaves on Day 41 I was sticky anywhere I had brushed up on the plants, had to wash them a good 3 times and still the smell lingered hahaha.
1 like
Week 15. Flowering
2 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
40 %
21 °C
20 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 1
Liquid worm castings 10 mll
Well it was a good easy week and it seems like the finish line is in sight! Watering has been cut back from 16L (4L each) every 3 days to 12L (3L each) every 3 days and there is barely any leaf droop at watering time. The colors are really starting to come in on a few of the plants, #3 and #4 especially. Nice pink hue in the buds and the sugar leaves, and still maybe 3-7 days to go on the earliest one, could still see more pink creep in. I'm guessing around 3-7 days for #3. We are just starting week 8 and the breeder mentions 8-8.5 week flower. When checking trichomes under magnification #3 is JUST starting to show some Reds, and I usually harvest when maybe 10-15% red. Will have to check daily, but hopefully she can hold on till Monday so that my new fan/controller for the dry tent gets here. Been using a stealth fan with speed limiter, but I really really appreciate the automation that comes with the AC Infinity gear, so I couldn't help myself and ordered a new T4 with controller 69! Will be upgrading the controller in the 4x4 when it arrives and swapping the controller 67 to the dry tent. I feel like the dry is where I've been missing my temp/humidity targets, and this will certainly help that. On Day 49 flower I pulled 12-16 fan leaves off of each plant. You could see they were unhappy or no longer needed so out they came. Also just want to make sure there is more than enough air flow through the plants to get us to the finish line. Speaking of trichomes, check out the crown on top of #4!! Almost there growmies, almost there.....
Week 16. Flowering
2 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
37 %
20 °C
20 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Well thats that folks! Was a busy week and as we near the end of the last day there is only one girl left standing, plant #2. She looks like could be ready in 2-3 more days, but we shall see. Buds look different than other 3 plants, must have got a slightly different variety of the strain in that seed. Still looking juicy AF though! Plant #3 and #4 were harvested on day 51 Flower 114 Seed, showing Reds in every picture I took. Easy trim, so much trichomes, just removed fan leaves then hung in 4x4 dry tent to do their thing for a few weeks. Set at 21°C/50%RH with a 12" construction fan circulating air very well. Aiming for around 14 day dry 🤞. #1 was taken down at beginning of day 56, the most colorful of the bunch and some beautiful looking buds. #2 harvested light our at end of Day 57 Flower 120 Seed. She chose to wear bright colors where the other girls went dark. Lots of Reds maybe 20%, probably could have harvested a day earlier but wanted to dry it one more
Week 16. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This was a really nice strain to grow, and the fade on the plants was quite nice, really colorful. Plant structure looks really good, never had any health issues, and was finished right in the 8-8.5 week suggested by the breeder. These plants had a medium stretch rate, and the buds came in nice and dense with good spacing. Plants took very well to topping and SCROG, easily filling my 4x4 wall to wall. She's all dried, gotta say this plant smells and tastes fu**ing amazing. So terpy, mainly lemon and a sweet something. Totally 💯 tastes like pink lemonade the drink. Flashbacks to childhood while smoking. And that's just from an early taste, they're curing now 3&4 weeks and then we get the REAL treat. Have a few seeds left can't wait to run this one again.
Show more
Spent 114 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
680.39 g
Bud wet weight per plant
99.01 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Talkative, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Depression, Stress
Medical effects
Berries, Citrus, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Was a great grow, no issues and the tent was packed with nice big buds who's smell matched their name. Totally brings me back to being a kid and fresh pink lemonade in a jug. Can't wait to try her out. So trichome packed if you brushed your arm against a bud on last few weeks it came out hair matted and sticky. Always enjoy growing, but enjoy it more when you get a solid strain and some beautiful flower at finish. Can't wait to try her out, will be running more from this breeder in the future.


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CDNCannaColecommentedweek 162 years ago
Looks beauty man, enjoy your smoke!!
CDNCannaColecommented2 years ago
@Grow_for_Happiness, have to update with how she smokes up man! Also curious how much you have when its dry have to post some more updates!
Grow_for_Happinesscommented2 years ago
@CDNCannaCole, thanks! First plants almost dry sample soon ⌛
smoker420commentedweek 162 years ago
Great job bro looks fire
GrowWithFlowcommented2 years ago
@Grow_for_Happiness, das wäre der Wahnsinn wenn das gehen würde . Super grow growmie 👌
Grow_for_Happinesscommented2 years ago
@smoker420, thanks growmie, I only wish I could share the smell as well as the pics 🤤
TCH0808commentedweek 162 years ago
Beauts man, absolute beauts!! Fantastic job and thanks for posting your work 😁
Grow_for_Happinesscommented2 years ago
@TCH0808, thanks for the praise, always love sharing the Stoke
Jays_Not_Here_Mancommentedweek 152 years ago
Looks Fantastic Growmie! The AC infinity gear will make your dry sooooo much easier, and your future grows way more consistent. Congrats 👏 they look killer 🇨🇦👊❤️
Grow_for_Happinesscommented2 years ago
@Jays_Not_Here_Man, thank you for the kind words dude 👊. Gotta love automation, as much as I love spending time in my garden it's nice not to have to if busy.
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 142 years ago
Very nice looking batch of plants you have going there 🌱🌿 Nice work ✌️😎💨
Grow_for_Happinesscommented2 years ago
@Inganjawetrust, thanks growmie 👊. Hope they taste as good as they smell in the end.
Jays_Not_Here_Mancommentedweek 92 years ago
Nice work Growmie, great genetics choice! 🇨🇦👊❤️
Grow_for_Happinesscommented2 years ago
@Jays_Not_Here_Man, thanks can't wait to enjoy the finished product
Cannapopzcommentedweek 62 years ago
Great structure, Good Job 👍🏼🌱
Grow_for_Happinesscommented2 years ago
@Cannapopz, thanks I appreciate it!
Anonymous_2022commentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow 👍
Jays_Not_Here_Mancommentedweek 16a year ago
Really happy you liked this strain, I’ve grown a few from 34 street seeds and all of them have been great! This is a new one for me and I’m sooooo close. Thanks for the review 🇨🇦👊❤️
the end.
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