
First Grow - Wedding Cake Auto

a year ago
Room Type
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Peat-based soil
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Wedding Cake Automatic
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Wedding Cake Automatic - 91%
Commented by
HappyLobster HappyLobster
a year ago
Starting my first indoor grow with some proper (beginner) equipment. Using a 1.5L pot (0.33 gallon) as I'm aiming to keep the plant small. I have no plans for nutrition yet, but I'm open to any suggestions. I mixed pumice into the top layer of the soil to fight fungus gnats coming from other plants, however I have ordered BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) which I will mix with the water once it arrives. In the first days I'm using a smaller 18W lamp, as my first seedling died while only using around 10% (~10W) strength of the ViparSpectre at 70cm (27.5") height from soil. I will work towards a 18/6 light cycle, while in the first days I'm aiming for 12-14 hours a day. Day 3 update: Today I used the ViparSpectra P1000 at 10% (~10W), height 70cm, lightcycle 18/6, noticed the plant hasn't grown as fast as earlier seedlings, and it's growing taller instead of wider. Tomorrow I'm moving to 25% (~25W) and see how that goes as I'm trying to not kill the plant this time :) Day 5 update: 18/6 at 35% (~35W) today. I'm moving up the light ~5W per day to see how far I can push it. Seeing real growth in the leaves now and the plant is not growing so much in length anymore (5mm today, as opposed to 2cm per day before). Day 6 update: 18/6 at 40% (~40W) today. The leaves grew larger but the plant did not grow in length (maybe 1-2mm), hence holding off with increasing the light intensity for a day. I've added a bowl of water to the tent as to increase the humidity.
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Grow Questions
HappyLobsterstarted grow question a year ago
I've been overfeeding, did a flush, and now I'm not sure what to do as she has been hanging for a few days. Full details are in my diary. Any help is much appreciated :)
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Deficiences
ernest_twwganswered grow question a year ago
Wait to water or feed until you can stick your finger into the soil and it feels completely dry. It may be too saturated with water at the moment and can't get any oxygen with it's roots. Plants need oxygen to stay alive, contrary to popular belief. Once it dries out, do what grannie said. Give it some nutes at half strength, let it dry out again, give it normal pH'ed water, let it dry out, Then you can start feeding her properly again. But, don't forget, you don't want to feed two waterings in a row. Stick to a feed -> water -> feed -> water regimen unless your plant tells you it needs more food. If you're new here, please select the answer that helped you out the most by clicking on the "answer" button underneath what the person said. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on here. You can pull up your messages tab by clicking on the little airplane in a bubble. It's located on the bottom-right of your screen. I hope this helps!

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love_2_growweek 0
@HappyLobster, Growing is a journey, and we are all fellow travelers. I only started a bit earlier. You'll get there :)
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
@HappyLobster, Growing is a journey, and we are all fellow travelers. I only started a bit earlier. You'll get there :)
@love_2_grow, thanks! Hopefully one day will see the kind of yields you have yourself. Love the way you're preparing soil and the sustainable way of thinking
GASOnlyweek 1
Happy grow. Wait till you get to 2 1/2 weeks she's gone blow up. Look in to coldwar organic
@GasOnly, thanks for the tip, I'll look into it!
StickyFingers90week 1
Good luck friend, happy growing 🌱💚🙂