
First Grow! Ethos, Purple City, Mephisto

2 years ago
Mephisto Genetics - Strawberry Nuggets x Livers Bx1
Room Type
weeks 6
weeks 6-7
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 8
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
zacwaz zacwaz
2 years ago
Day 57: The Ethos and Mephisto were dry and got about 64 oz of water, but the Purple City soil still had plenty of moisture so it got none. Day 59: A bit more water today, about 48 oz. The every-other-day watering schedule seems to be working out alright. Day 61: It's probably waaay too late for this to have any effect, but I'm not sure how long these plants will go and I want them to finish strong, so... I top-dressed each pot with 2 tbsp of Gaia Green 4-4-4 and soaked 'em with about 48 oz of water Day 62: Gotta be honest—my plants aren't looking great, but are still limping along. They're not pretty, but the buds seem healthy enough and I think I'll still get a small harvest, maybe an ounce or two? Interestingly, the Purple City plant has been sprouting some new growth in the form of *very* vigorous, attractive little sugar leaves (or maybe young fan leaves? I dunno). I assume this is in response to the nutrients finally being uptaken. So I'm kind of excited to grow this cultivar again, with a bit of experience under my belt, to see its actual potential. As-is, the buds are extremely resinous and fruity, should be an interesting smoke.
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Grow Questions
zacwazstarted grow question 2 years ago
I just re-potted three young autoflower plants from 4” peat pots into 7 gallon fabric pots, but underestimated how cramped they would be in my 2x3 tent. Is it safe to re-pot them into smaller pots within a few days, or could that over-stress them?
Setup. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
To be honest, it's not the size of the pots that is going to be the problem... nor IS it a problem! The pots are always going to stay the same size.. it's the plants that will grow. You're going to have a space problem anyway, trying to fit 3 autos in that size tent but there you are... smaller pots will NOT equal smaller plants unless you go to something like a solo cup! LOL! And autoflowers absolutely hate being transplanted so please don't do that. What I would suggest you do is plan to do some serious LST (and you can LST as often and as much as you need to) ... and you'll probably have to do some defoliation as well... which will probably include choosing only the best bud sites to leave and trimming off a LOT of lower bud sites. Good luck! You're going to have a jungle! Make sure, when they get into flower, that you keep the humidity low (30s-40s) so you don't run into fungus/bud rot issues...
zacwazstarted grow question 2 years ago
I've crammed 3 young autoflowers (all different cultivars) into a 2x3 tent, which I now realize is a novice mistake (first grow! 😄). Would you... 1. Keep growing all 3 to maturity, use LST to manage size 2. Sacrifice one plant for the good of the other 2 3. ??? Thanks!
Setup. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
That is such a hard decision... I know I've told you to prepare for a jungle - and you should - this is going to have to be your decision - but why don't you wait until they're bigger and you can see what they become? Look at it this way... let's say you pitch one plant today but in 4 weeks time, you realize you COULD have fit that 3rd one in and been ok... or in 4 weeks time, one plant dies of its own accord because of X, Y or Z and now you're left with only 1 plant... Stick it out until you can't stick it out any longer... You can do this! You really can!!!
zacwazstarted grow question 2 years ago
This morning I noticed some branches on my young plants had turned reddish on top. Last night the humidifier ran out of water and RH dropped to 40% overnight. Could this just be a stress reaction to that low RH, or sign of a deeper issue?
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
Mr_Incognitoanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi! Your plants look just fine. This is OG Kush genetics. I’ve had the same with mine from the same stage.
zacwazstarted grow question 2 years ago
I just noticed this tiny white spot on a leaf of two different plants and having trouble ID’ing it. It doesn’t seem powdery or fuzzy and almost looks like a mineral deposit… but I really have no clue. Appreciate any ideas—thanks!
Leaves. White powder
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Probably just some nutes that dripped on the leaf... have you tried to wipe it off with a damp cloth? It certainly doesn't look like a nute issue nor does it look like WPM... I wouldn't worry about it myself... good luck!
zacwazstarted grow question 2 years ago
I noticed this browning on the edges of two fan leaves this morning. The affected leaves were right next to the space heater that runs all night (cold basement!), so I *think* it’s probably heat burn/stress. But don’t want to ignore a potentially more serious issue. Thanks!
Leaves. Edges burnt
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'd keep my eye on them, tbh... it certainly COULD be from the heater but it might also be the beginnings of a phosphorus deficiency.... I don't see any pH information or nute information in your diary - but you need to keep the pH between 6.0 and 6.5 for a soil grow... Good luck! Nice looking jungle so far! :-D Did you decide to keep all of them going? Hope so!

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love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
@zacwaz, aprendamos juntos!!! ¡¡¡Feliz crecimiento!!!
@love_2_grow Thanks, I'm excited to grow (and learn)!
420DeepGrowweek 3
Suerte con tu OG Kush, que te salgan buenas flores
@zacwaz,numca se sabe donde esta la sorpresa.... me alegra oir eso 💪
@420DeepGrow, Thanks! It was a freebie so I didn’t expect much, but so far it’s performing the best of them all.
Gridderzweek 5
Quality pics, and quality plants!
Balankayaweek 7
Wonderful, great job friend! Good luck to you and your garden!
LegacyMarketFarmweek 8
Congratulations on getting into growing Cannabis my fellow Canadian! You did a lot good here so far, May I recommend checking out our tutorial series here on grow diaries & also on our youtube page ? We cover the day to day step by step all the way from seed to drying, Curing & trimming. I really look forward to your input and seeing you over there, Any other questions or help you need please do not hesitate to DM me! I am following along until harvest :)
Professor_Chaosweek 9
Very nice. Happy growing