Week 8 - Day 1 of Flower: flipped to 12/12 today. Also gave them about 4 gallons of water. The first two gallons was a Sprouted Seed Tea (SST), and the other two gallons was Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja as a wetting agent, then added Rootwise Enzyme Elixer, and Bio-Phos, BuildASoil Big 6, BuildABloom, Coconut Powder, Pure Protein Dry, Fermented Comfrey and Fermented Peach.
3/3/2023 - Day 5 Flower: made up a foliar spray of Tweetmint and warm water and spayed the plants at lights out for their weekly IPM. Also, they needed to be watered again. I made another SST and mixed in the same ingredients as the last watering, but I did not add the fermented Comfrey or Peach, but I added the Yah-Whey this time. Also, added some TeaCo Super Tea blend and some FishShit as well. Loaded the girls up for their stretch.
I'm growing out this same strain from LitFarms, Thanksgiving special. I'm on the same exact stage as you. Keep it up man I'm going to keep up with your grow. I might start my own diary and show my side-by-side too, maybe we can compare. Lets get connected man, It'd really like to see what different flavors/phenos we might get. Hit me man.
@LateNightGardener, Hell yeah man, really excited about this run. First grow in my new 3x3 bed, so I'm hoping for something special. You should definitely start your own diary so we can compare notes.