Final moments for her. Waiting to see a more darker brownish buds. She actually looks good (not the best I know) and her smell is so nice and fruity.
A lot of things mixed-up during this weeks. Looking forward for the next grow since my room is more optimized for all the needs of the plants.
Humidity and temperature levels is where I struggle the more to maintain a steady environment without such low and high discrepancies...
I still have 1000's of questions that I hope to figure it ou during the next grows :)
Spei Feuer. Ne, alles gut, die letzten 1-2 Wochen Reifen die einfach nur. Das sieht aus als wenn sie stehenbleiben.
Zu deiner Pflanze.
Ist doch geil. Ich kriege es auch nicht besser hin. Wenn überhaupt.
Halte dich an die guten Leute.