Still learning but this week shows incredible amount of growth in the bud sites. Very aromatic, plant is strong, she can handle hot summer. I just move her to a shady area during noon time
Need help!! Tip of bottom leaves are kinda drying out (crispy dry) and are a little bit curled down.
Not sure if it’s improper ph, too much nutes or overwatering.
Top leaves are fine, I dunno where I was lacking. Help a brother out, what do you guys think?
From what I can see, the leaves might have been touching the soil ... but in any event, it's nothing to worry about at all - nothing you've done "wrong" ... it might even be good if you trimmed them off as you don't want to encourage something like a fungus ... The leaves that are affected are only the first, intial leaves - they're not even the fan leaves..
No worries! Looks good!
Chopping time soon. As the breeder recommends, this plant should be done between 8 to 9 weeks of flowering. End of week 9 (during the time of writing)Question is, how long should I wait til harvest? I checked the buds and can say 10% clear 80% cloudy 10% amber