This brings the Journal up to speed. So going to start the 48 hour FLush this upcoming Sunday as well as going to move it to 48 hours of light insted of 48 hours of darkness. Then straight into the Freeze dryer to bring it down to 60% humidity in the bud and then to the curing jars. Going to be Timber 2 days into Week 9 of FLower.
Week 8 (Day 5)- Flower- Day 107 overall
T - 2 days until start 48 hour Flush
T - 2 days until Start 48 hours of Light
T - 4 days until TIMBER!!!
Week 8 (Day 7) -FLower- Day 109 Overall
Flush Day and 48 hours of Light. I subscibe to Dr. Bruce Bugbee's suggestion that production is under light instead of under darkness so I no longer do 48 hours of Darkness, I go 48 hours of light before Chop, sending my plants on a marathon run before I Cut. Here is Dr. Bruce on basics of lighting
T-2 days until TIMBER
@NorthEquinoix, Thanks North!! I am really excited by this new Strain I am running, and the new lights.. Can't wait to see what Yoda Soda strain does. Lots of warnings about super stretch.. so this run I am doing is going to be fun.. LOL!!