If you look in the pictures there is the runt above all the purple buds because when I was drying them some reason the purple buds dried faster and and green buds were still a little moist so I put them on top and helped with the humidity. The only thing was I had to harvest the plants around 1-3 weeks early because I went on vacation and underestimated how much water they needed but they were almost done anyway so it worked out ok they just aren't as strong as they probably could have been and the plant that needed the longest I put in the freezer to either make edibles or hash but I would recommend anyone to try the fastbuds or Dutch Passion genetics
@Chuckd502113,cool man thats still a decent harvest from an auto and after chopping them early, was it proper dry when you weighed it and what as the smell like when grown my one doesnt have alot of smell just at day 56 now
@Growyourownathome2x2, I let them go for 70days not by Choice because I went on vacation and I underestimated how much water they were going to drink or else I would have let them go longer, but only 1 plant really wasn't ready so it wasn't a real loss
@Eauderay, yeah that's why I kept the runt, it actually ended up being the tallest but smallest yield and the only plant not purple. I had to pick them a few weeks early but it's ok they are still pretty good
@hashy, thanks I appreciate it but idk how mine are actually in good condition! This is my first grow and I used coco and blumat watering system which I think helped me the most, but I transplanted them, underfed them, multiple days over 90°, high humidity. Only 1 plant is really not in good shape but I'm hoping to still get a few grams off of her because she is budding and turning purple so I figured I'll keep it lol but yeah I got lucky so far.
The buds have been curing for a couple weeks and man the taste and high have gotten so much better! I just smoked a joint and it's not as harsh and tastes better and the high is way stronger, this is my first grow so I didn't know much about the curing and everything but it makes such a difference.
Each week is like a week off I been doing a journal on a diff site I forgot about this one so I'm starting it on here now but I have citizen clu048 cob lights 600watts