She was looking really rough in the beginning of the week as her leaves started dying out more and more before a few started falling off - since she has had such a hard time up until now, I am not to concerned about it - she is after all only a week or two away from the end of her life. The smell has gotten much more prominent in the last week and it has hit me every day this week when I get home! Smelling absolutely great - almost citrussy with a hint of fuel.
Still only feeding PH water although she has started drinking a little less it seems as I only have to give her water every third day or so.
I have learned so much from this grow and while I would have loved for my first grow to be a bigger success, I am extremely grateful for all the scenarios I was able to experience in such a short time. As always, thanks for checking in and happy growing Gang! 🌱🔥🌱
@Staggerlee, thanks so much for the comment, I actually have 2 other plants at the moment that I am LST'ing, they are already looking way better than this girl and went through some of the same stunts. I thought as this is my first grow, I would leave this girl all natural to see the difference between training and not, although I would have loved if she grew a bit more normally!😅