Used this product for a few weeks, then some of the leaves started to get yellow edges. Some research on deficiencies made me believe the cause was to much Calcium. ? I read an article on 'The myth of Cal-Mag'. The article warned of over feeding Calcium and that there has never been documented research that cannabis plants need additional Calcium or Magnesium other than that found in soil mixtures. ???? Now I do not know what to think, To Feed or Not To Feed.k
The buds were very sticky, had to wear gloves during trimming. Have yet to smoke or use as edibles any of this strain. I had experimented with these 2 plants compared with 2, I had grown previously. I wanted to see if the Low Stress Training, LST, I had done on the previous 2 plants produced more bud weight. It did not. These 2 untrained plants produced much better. Surprise. This grow produced 492 grams (wet bud) while the LST plants produced 319 grams (wet bud).
@OnTheMoon, a nanner or banana - is the male anther of the male reproductive organ in cannabis. The anthers look like bananas, and mean you have some intersex/hermaphroditism issues if you spot them