yup.. totally about numbers on gd... if you used it most of nute brands in your diaries, it's going to show up.. my page says inhouse, and it's not my favorite seed breeder... not even most common breeder used since most have been generic seeds with no commercial breeder.
you might be able to edit diaries and remove tha tinfo... any diary entered in a contest can't be edited, but rules around here are not always enforced, so i'd still attempt it if you want to.
if you cannot remove, maybe change to a generic non-listed brand you make up? non-branded (as far as what gd recognizes) stuff won't be showed as preferred product on your profile, based on my exp with the seeds above.
and after a few diaries of using a different product it will change eventually.
hmmm could make some diaries, hide them from public view... jsut to do that, lol...
game the system.. make it say what you prefer on "your" profile... screw the man!