Here we are ! 😎
Finally I still made timing errors due to equipment and products not available to me, but fortunately for me Natacha is a fighter, despite the lack of space for her roots in my little plug and despite the wait for finally end up in a pot worthy of the name, it was able to regain color quickly.
As you can see, she half curled up on herself during her last days as a plug. 😢
It's done, the transplant went well, here it is in a 7 L pot with this time the full Bio Tabs starter kit, it's a first, I wanted to see what that given, in order to compare financially first and also with the time that the compost tea that I make for F1 takes me !
For the moment, I can't make a return, I made the basic contributions and followed the procedure to the letter, we'll see eheh
You will also have understood that I will not be handing over a companion for a while because I must first prove myself and learn more about this plant before I can fully blossom.
I covered with a hemp mulch, for that, it does not change and I find that the aesthetic as well as functional side is really top (keep the humidity especially with the heat of the LEDs) 😏
Having invested in a Macro lens for my Reflex, I will be able to provide you with quality photos I hope for this journal, that of my F1 and my next ones :)
Besides, I'm still looking for a good "microscope" to know when my harvest will be fully done and to see what's going on even closer. If you have any references to advise me, do not hesitate to tell me in the comments. If it exists for phone mainly of course, but if it exists to adapt to a NIKKON SLR camera lens then there, that would be heaven ^^😍
In any case, thank you for following my apprenticeship and I wish you an excellent week ahead ! Cheers 👋
@Deckerno, no problem man, coco is a great option too! I suggest you to take a look to cocoforcannabis (search him on google, he has a website). I bet him guides about coco will helpfull for you!
If in the future you want to try hydro let me know and I'll very happy to help you like other people here did with me!
@DeepWaterGrower, oh... I think I made a mistake on my diary. I don't use DWC actually, my bad. But that's something I would like try later for sure 😃 thanks for your support and sorry again