I fell off from recording the plants progress for a while, and it's partly because I've not been doing a great deal since putting it outside. I put the plant outside at the end of May and it immediately took to the new environment. When it started to grow up about 2/3rds of the way up the supports in early July, I added two layers of trellis netting. The first of these nets I used to weave the branches through and create more tops, while the top trellis is mainly to add support as the plant continued to grow. It is now a few inches past the top most layer of netting and the entire time has been praying to the sun loving life. I added a layer of worm castings with Build-A-Soil Craft Blend added in to make sure the soil doesn't run out of nutrients. I've watered probably two to three times since moving, every time with Thrive Probiotics and Rootwise in the water. The plant has yet to begin flowering, and I'll be taking clones before hand for my indoor grow. Overall the plant is absolutely thriving with almost no intervention beyond bending a few branches.