Today wraps up week one. not much going on at this point. going away for the weekend. watered the babies this morning good with pH water and calimagic. 5.8ph
ok so here we go... Since the very beginning one has always been stronger.
So only at a couple days old i had to transplant.... my plan was only one transplant and thats what i did.... Why so early you ask???? Well our strong little girl decided she wanted to start throwing roots out of the bottom of the solo cup at 3 days old.. With a seedling that strong i knew she needed all of the room of her 3 gal smart pot so thats what i did. I dont wanna say it was one thing or the other but i did use mycorrhiza for the first time. I know this stuff is supposed to be really good shit but seriously???? 3 days old? Anyway i just got home and they are looking good. Wish they were both on the same page but i wont complain