
Medic Grow/Barneys Farm

Approved by Barney's Farm
a year ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Purple Punch Auto
Avg. success
Barney's Farm - 91%
Purple Punch Auto - 93%
Commented by
Canna96 Canna96
2 years ago
Hey now, I hope everyone is well, I am excited to test this new light out, the Spectrum X tunable 880 Watt light from Medic Grow with supplemental UV/IR lighting. The light comes with the option to use a blue spectrum for Veg (V1) as well as a flower spectrum which is much higher in deep red lighting (F1). There is also the option to integrate the UV/IR spectrum into your light cycle. I have heard great things about the increased production of THC when integrating UV/IR into your grow room, so i am super excited to test this fixture. Seed germination: My process is to gently scuff my seeds in 320 grit sandpaper that is rolled up like a dollar bill, I shake them inside maybe 8 to10 times max. I then I soak them for 2 hours or so until they sink in a glass of water, then 24-36 hours in a moist paper towel transferred to a ziploc bag full of air and then placed on a heat mat while covered in a dark colored towel to block out light. I then place her tail down into a tiny hole in the moist pro mix seedling starter mix which is in a 16 ounce solo cup with plently of holes in the cup for drainage. I then cover the top of the seedling sprout with DRY pro mix, and the reason is I have found the sprout emerges several hours faster without the added water weight to push through and waste energy making its initial push through wet/heavy soil, main thing is to keep the radicle in the dark. Many growers say that planting an auto flower in the final container is ideal because it reduces transplant shock, however I disagree. I believe it is much more beneficial to allow the root system to develop a ball of mass in a small container such as a solo cup, before transplanting to the final container. If a tiny seedling is planted in a large container prior to developing root mass, it has a tendency to grow directly to the bottom of the container and colonize at the bottom rather than the root system colonizing the entire container. My plan is to keep one of the two seedlings and give the other to a friend. While in the solo cups with pro mix seedling starter, I will water the seedlings just plain water through an oral syringe just watering around the edge of the solo cup slowly to encourage the roots to seek out the water and expand to fill the container. I have learned the hard way not to overwater seedlings and to pay attention the weight of the solo cup rather than what the soil looks like. Around day 21 and a few days prior to topping, I will transplant her to her final home which will be a 5.4 Gallon Air-pot and immediately begin to apply high frequency fertigation via a reservoir hooked up to a digital timer with an irrigation line running to a fertigation halo. I will also build a gravity fed automatic runoff removal system which will consist of a couple drain pans with a drain line running to a five-gallon bucket in the tent, which will have a submersible pump that will move the runoff outside the tent into another reservoir. This setup may sound difficult, but it can be easily constructed in an afternoon, and it will make your entire grow easy and efficient. Once in her final container and during Veg, she will receive Silica, Cal Mag, and Maxi Grow by General Hydroponics. Silica and Cal Mag will be used the entire grow, however while integrating into flower she will be transitioned from Maxi Grow to Maxi Bloom and Kool Bloom which is a 0-10-10 bloom booster will be added during flower and then transitioned to Dry Bloom in the last two weeks followed by up to a week of flush prior to harvest. As I only have a total of 40" of usable vertical space from the top of my grow containers to 12" below my Medic Grow Spectrum X lights, I plan to use a combination of Topping (Most likely around the 6th node) as well as Low Stress Training to manage plant height as I will attempt to grow more of a bush than a tree. I am super excited to see what this monster light can do and am also interested to see what effect the UV/IR supplemental lighting will have on final THC content. Thanks for stopping by, safe safe and Blaze On! 💪 Website:
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NorthEquinoixcommentedweek 02 years ago
How Interesting! So we both use part of the GH flora line. I’m gonna have to look up what ya mention above and put that into my spread sheet. Lovely details. Thanks for posting! 🙂💚
NorthEquinoixcommented2 years ago
@Canna96, omg yea strain 6 has been insane. Just about to update the final weeks and harvest for that plant now. I was stuck in trim jail forever so haven’t been on too much! Love the girls above. And the tomato plants!!! So Interesting about the leaves. I hadn’t realized that most of strain 6 was 3 leaf fans, or 5 at the most. Lol. I love all the little genetic differences we can find along the way of growing. Hope you having a great one! 😃
Canna96commented2 years ago
@NorthEquinoix, Thanks brother, how is that Strain 6 treating ya? She looks dank AF....
NegotiatedBubblecommentedweek 02 years ago
Dope notes! For seedlings, I use my "Cup Inside of a Cup" method: Two "solo" cups, with the 1st solo cup's bottom removed and then the remaining cone is sliced in half. From there I fill the 2nd cup with about an inch of aquarium gravel and insert the two halves from the 1st cup (to make a cup inside of a cup). When transplanting, I remove the outside cup and then place the plant into the hole. Then I gently slide out each half of the inside cup. One thing to note is that the new Solo cups have a weird shape that is not good for cup in cup. I had to switch to an off brand like Hefty. Another cool thing is that I can check the progress of the seedling by briefly separating the two cups to check for root growth in the aquarium gravel.
NegotiatedBubblecommented2 years ago
@Canna96, I just added some photos to my Germination week diary. I planted clones in their final flowering containers this around, so I do not have any live examples to show unfortunately. growdiaries[dot]com/diaries/165223-grow-journal-by-negotiatebubble/week/926585
Canna96commented2 years ago
@NegotiatedBubble, Hey now, I have heard of that technique but never tried it, do you have any pictures of the two solo cup technique? I want to try it but not really sure how to set it up...If there is any way to shave off even 24 hours in the seedling stage of an auto grow auto grow I am all about it....
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Wyregrassercommentedweek 12 years ago
Nice Maters! Grow in peace and sin no more, for you will surely die. Great luck with your grow!🙏