She’s been awesome 👍🏼 So far the best growing girl 👧
I was supposed to flip the switch but noticed my dog 🐕 is sick so she’s gonna veg another week or more because need to take light 💡 from OLGA or Penelope or from Gza Gza- 🤷♂️ dunno
Waiting on Black Dog to respond so I know how to proceed 🤞🏻 Will keep you posted...
It has only been a few days and already return labels here already. Black Dog great so far
Dropped light 💡 off at ups today. Put back in original box 📦, taped prepaid return label 🏷️, off it went. Still made it home in time for 4:20🆒 Then again, it’s always 4:20😃
I took a panoramic picture of my current circle ⭕️ of life. CiCi is in the middle representing the veg portion of the circle ⭕️. I kinda feel guilty that I took her dog and stuck her with a lesser quality 💡.Kinda high but growth with Black Dog is thick like linguine, under other is like angel hair.
👍🏼 to Black Dog
Have a question about trimming the scrOG. I have read to cut 2 inches above the scrOG but feel guilty about doing that to my girls. Anyone have insight on this? And if I do trim, when should it be?
If by trim you mean cut off the stems 2” above the scrog then the answer is never! If you just mean defoliation it’s personal preference I usually leave them unless I have a deep canopy.
My question is about trimming her. I’ve read to cut everything 2 inches above scrOG. My question is when and is it worth it? I’ve always felt too guilty to cut her so my girls have gone natural
@Tazard, @Chefdan420 - based on the plant for sure, but anything above the net not severely limiting light penetration should be left alone. @athos and taz got the goods buddy!👍 lookn nice👌
@ChefDan420, read many differing views, some say she stores sugars and they will add to the product at flush, others say they use energy that could be used to grow buds. I’ve done both and I usually just leave them alone. I do lollipop well usually 😂
Thats a fkn huge tree mate !! Nice buds👌👌
Btw i actually did cut off my main stems above the scrogg, otherwise it would grow out of control
so i had to😅😀