*Nutrient/watering: Where I can with work and all, I try to give her 0.1l at noon and 0.1l in the evening before the light go out. Atm I'm only using the Plagron power roots and pure zym and not even every watering. It seems to be more than enough for now.
*Lights: She got put on 12/12 from the start because:- I got some "regular" plants under the lights with her who needed to switch to flower.
- I've never tried an auto in 12/12 from the start so I decided to give it a try and see what happens.
*I want to do as little lst and or tempering with the plants shape in this one to see how she does.
@meneerGreen, ja blijkbaar, verschilt wel fel van strain tot strain me dunkt, en ik weet niet of het licht nog enige invloed heeft, deze staat al op 12/12 van in begin