Sorry not been able to upload few weeks had phone problems so lost all photos of last few weeks. They have shot up now, got great structure to them all, they was in need of a good feed so that was my main goal, so gave them all plenty of grow and bit of bloom as next few week should start to flower. Noticed a few holes around the base of the plants which is the rabbits having a dog, hoping they hold off they don’t want any stress just before there stretch. Slugs seem to be holding off for now which is a bonus!
That’s all this week happy growing
Looking nice so far mate , I grow outdoors in uk for 3 year now and photo period strains have always ended up with Rott due to there longer life , I’ve found that auto strains if planted at the middle of may end up harvestable before the rains in September , not sure what part of the world your at but if your in the uk switch to autos .
@Grass_slinger,thanks for the advise buddy! First year doing few autos outdoor (other diaries) last year did a fem run and not many got bud rot but did take them but early. We are putting few different stains out to see what copes better with our weather, next year be more looking for fast finishers 👍
I really like your grow but please be advised that Slug pellets are straight up poison. If I could recommend an alternative…..
Dry DE works for almost all insects and won’t poison your grow.
A net will work as well
Keeping your girls in a container until they have 4-5 big fan leaves, or enough growth to withstand a slug eating 1/3 of the plant.
Cheers and best of luck
@Todzilla, thank you for the info buddy, I will look into that. These pellets are organic and with what I’ve read the pellets that arnt consumed will turn into phosphate and iron which will then be taken up as nutrients by surrounding plants. It’s a trail in this spot so we will see how things turn out🤞👍
@Todzilla, they’ve been through abit of a rough start being dug up by rabbits and pestered by slugs but there starting to show some good growth each time go down.
And thank you buddy🌱
@BudBoutique, just tried a joint out of it, already got plenty taste but gonna leave in jar to make her even better, thank you so much buddy! Amazing strain for outdoor anyway , especially for uk weather 👍
Pests always attack the younger more weaker plants lol. Little fuckers 😱 that why it's so important to have healthy plants. Which all yours look very healthy. Doing great mate
@Drgreen13,yeah mate that’s it, just with autos don’t want to leave them in the small cups too long and get stunted or anything I try to aim 2 weeks indoor then get them out, the fems are easier can transplant them into little pots and get in garden few hours a day, lost a lot of plants to slugs this year, been crap weather for weeks now 😩
Nice garden mate!!
Keep on growing!!!!!
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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Chilling_Racoons 👨🌾👩🌾