
Primeiro grow (first grow)

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 15
12 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
charcoal ash
15 ml/l
Efficient microorganisms
15 ml/l
Commented by
Resist Resist
6 years ago
One more week, I do not know if the burnt ends of the leaves really are a burning of nutrient or a deficiency of potassium, since the plant shows signs of this deficiency, and I have watered only with wood ashes and bone meal diluted in water, then what would be the reason for the burning of nutrients? I have not provided nitrogen, which could be causing the burning. My solo is far from being one of the best, this may be interfering, and before they recommend flush, I have already done a cleaning on the ground. Mais uma semana, não sei se os queimados das pontas das folhas é realmente uma queima de nutriente ou seja uma deficiência de potássio, já que a planta mostra sinais desta deficiência, e tenho regado apenas com cinzas de madeira e farinha de osso, diluídos em água, então qual seria o motivo da queima de nutrientes? não tenho fornecido nitrogênio, que poderia estar causando a queima. Meu solo está longe de ser um dos melhores, isso pode estar interferindo, e antes que recomendem flush, já realizei uma limpeza no solo.
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Grow Questions
Resiststarted grow question 6 years ago
After a nitrogen tea application, a nitrogen toxicity occurs, I am just watering it but the plant does not seem to have improved, the new leaves have a claw effect, should I flush or continue to water? A fan sheet was born with light green, yellow and died. Sorry for bad english.
Leaves. Curl down
OutForRealanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hello ! I'm your case you should flush as the watering continue to makes N available for the plant so you need to wash it away by a flushing. I hope it will help you 😁👍
Resiststarted grow question 6 years ago
The leaves are burned, now the side of some leaves are also burned as if it were potassium deficiency, my cultivation is beginner to organic, the last watering was only water, the previous watering was with banana peel tea, see the photos subtitled, sorry for my english.
Leaves. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi there, i know your cultivation is organic but that does not mean that the plant juice is weak haha. the banana peel tea is actually really strong, much stronger than you think, you dont have a decificiency you have a lock out. Just keep using plain water or even make a flush. Next time for the tea, treat it like a liquid fertiliser and dilute it by half or 1/4. You see the burnt tips on the plant? that's how you know there's too much power in the tea. Organic does not mean weak, you know :-) Just flush one time, and try again with a more diluted solution and you will avoid this problem. good luck going organic my friend. 🚀

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CommanderCannabisweek 15
@CRiSPrGrow, is right. You are way too hot. Where do you live if I may ask? Have you tried a misting humidifier to counter the heat?
@CommanderCannabis, I live in Brazil, here it is really very hot, I am in search of two solutions, take the cultivation to the outdoor or invest in an air-conditioning, I think they are the only compatible solutions for this heat. Of course I can put a cool tube with exhaust fan to help, but I believe it will only soften things a bit.
CommanderCannabisweek 15
An AC would be the best solution. Even an AC unit for just one room should help and costs less. good luck
Resistweek 17
Yeah, I'll wait this time, I know she can. I took a piece of the flower from the other plant here, I'll pick it up on Friday, smooth smoke, nice smell, but it was less than 0.3 grams, just to reduce the cuirity. lol
@Resist, haha everyone does it brother dont worry lol
CRiSPrGrowweek 14
woah woah woah you MUST get those temperatures down, sorry i didn t notice this before bro ! this is really bad, especially during this time in flower - you need an AC system or a huge fan like 1300 m3 , i got one from china pretty cheap and i got one from europe very expensive ... this is urgent !
@Resist, yeah man ! cool tube is absolutely necessary bro, you will see next grow the big difference. Keep on resisting bro, it's a lifetime's work not a race, step by step until the high grade comes 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, I understand that it is very hot in my grow, outside the temperature was the same, it was very sunny days, now it is colder, the temperature is between 32 and 35 Cº, I am working with what I can achieve, this week I will assemble a cool homemade tube, I will order an exhaust fan from china. Nice to see you around here, thank you.
Soronataweek 8
Alô BR! Tá ficando bonito o negócio! Mas a minha dica é: Se é semente de prensado, é muito provavel que seja uma sativa pura do Paraguai (dependendo de onde do br vc é). E sendo uma sativa pura, é muito improvável que vc consiga colher antes de 14 semanas de floração. Está está na 3a semana, tem um longo caminho por vir :)
Salve! Obrigado pela presença. Sim é um prensado mesmo, mas a flora está indo a todo vapor, essa ansiedade na colheita é motivado pela vontade de degustar uma flor pela primeira vez, espero que consiga uma "pipoca" nesse fim de ano. Tenho mais uma no cultivo que está em um ritmo mais rápido de flora, acho que dessa eu consigo. As fotos estão horríveis porque estou sem uma câmera decente. Abraços
BeefWellingtonsweek 13
You might want to use another grow question for your issues.
Zengoldabilweek 9
A rega com chá, como você não sabe a concentração é bom ir devagar, via de regra pessoal sempre fala em "menos é mais" com relação a nutriente. Começa intercalado, se a planta pedir fornece para ela. Ela parece bonita e sem deficiências. As frequência de alimentação, e técnicas usadas para manejar a planta para ela conseguir Luz vão ser mais decisivas para o resultado final. Sou novo também espero ter ajudado.
Mrs_Larimarweek 6
easiest thing is to transplant her into fresh soil. and btw your english is quite good.. happy growing
Canallaweek 5
Coisa linda de se ver, acompanhando aqui brow, sucesso !!
skycrashweek 4
Daé, seguindo aqui :-)
DadasGrowweek 3
Hopefully all goes well with your grow my friend! This is also my first grow!
CRiSPrGrowweek 18
👏 looking forward to the next one 👊
CRiSPrGrowweek 17
the color of the trichomes only appear at 40x magnification or more, but i do think you have 3 weeks more... give her a chance to pack on some weight brother ! 👊
CRiSPrGrowweek 13
Hi there, i know your cultivation is organic but that does not mean that the plant juice is weak haha. the banana peel tea is actually really strong, much stronger than you think, you dont have a decificiency you have a lock out. Just keep using plain water or even make a flush. Next time for the tea, treat it like a liquid fertiliser and dilute it by half or 1/4. You see the burnt tips on the plant? that's how you know there's too much power in the tea. Organic does not mean weak, you know :-) Just flush one time, and try again with a more diluted solution and you will avoid this problem. good luck going organic my friend. 🚀
Zengoldabilweek 9
Boa. Tamo junto. A menina está linda.
Resistweek 9
Muito bom ver BR por aqui. Tens razão, é melhor ir conforme as necessidades da planta, é que passei uma carência violenta de potássio, seguido de carência de fósforo, mas agora realmente está tudo bem. Obrigado pela atenção!