-14 days into flower as of today-
Shogun feed chart states not to add PK Warrior until Week 3, however I've been adding this to her feed for a few days now as I knew she could benefit from it (this also made her leaves perk up and become happier).
I have Shogun Zenzym on the way, and it should be here next week. It's meant to break down dead root matter, and turn them into nutrients for growth spurts. I have heard this sort of thing before, however I am tempted to try it this time 'round (with all the plants in this tent).
I have also changed the lighting from 18/6 to 12/12, as my photoperiod plants needed to have the lights flipped. I'm unsure what the less light would do to such as fast auto, however I'm hoping it wouldn't affect her yield too much.
Overall I'm very happy with the way she's going. She's just exploding in growth day after day, and I am absolutely surprised that she is only 14 days into flower (the days in the diary are messed up since I count Week 1 from Day 0).
Her smell, when I lightly touch her, is a tropical almost over ripened mango scent. It is very subtle at this moment.
Thank you! I've grown a good number of cultivars, but the first time I'm growing one from you guys.
I have to say even though I'm trying to stunt it, due to space, Auto Pounder was not only the first to sprout, but cotyledons are bigger than the other 4, and she just keeps growing really well!!!
Can't wait for her to grow out. Thanks a bunch for the creation, I know it's early but I can tell you have some strong genetics here!
Thank you everyone for being very supportive of my return to growing.
There's a lot of things that I could have done better, and I will be taking everything into account for next time. The weights on these greatly vary, however overall in total I managed to get 244.91g of dry weight (trimmed just the nugs, I swear lol).
I was, in my head, hoping I get 1g/watt and I managed to overdo that. Incredibly impressed by this Spider Farmer SF2000, and I'm expecting my next grow to have an even bigger yield.
Apologies for not posting for a while, I had things irl going on. Also I'm rather baked these days, since this harvest. I'm happy!
Hope you guys enjoyed. See you on the next one :)