Here we are, i'm shure that those are bananas :(
so i decide to separate the ladies (or what they wanna be) in the two growroom i have...for my experience erma can stop producing one sex and going on much more with the other i can save a lot of harvest, but i have to be really care for pollination...never easy Omi's life 💪 😅
Flowers going fat, smells really good but not strong for now...i love cannabis smell 😍
a bit worried for the shemale, let's see what nature want to do 🙏
anyway, everytimeof my life, i'm glad to be a grower and to be a part of this "little heroes" community
thanx to everyone 🙏
@Herbie101, hey brother, I'm by no means doubting the mold, but I don't see it. Could you tell me where so I can see what it looks like? Thank you brother.
@@justsomedude420, thank you so much dude!i'm shure it is great, a few hour and i put them in a jar...i'm so curious to taste them and to know the dry weight 😇
those buds are really beautifully frosted,!!.. 👍
when you are harvesting, catch the sugar leaves and popcorn buds.. can make some real nice oil from that!!😍
I am gonna make some oil today (yes, finally) and hopefully make a helpfull diary about that.. 🙏
💪😍@Omisan,well, i am gonna tell you. Yesterday i felt like i was dying..
i made the oil and i drank what was left over because i did not think it would be so strong (dumb, always test it!)
And becouse my metabolism is very slow i only noticed it, fully @ nine oclock at night..long story short: i went KO in my bed, could not even water my plants or clean up...could not lift my knees anymore..😵 i was dizzy, my ears where buzzing and saw stars but..
I have slept like a baby!!👍
This proves that an overdose on cannabis only means a good night sleep!!😁😂😹
PS hopefully i get the time (and energy)to write the diary today, i am still recovering🙏
@Omisan, Goodmorning!! 🙌Glad 2 hear !😍🙏 Thanks for letting me know 👌👍Stupid PC's! I also work with PC only, so i know how annoying they can be sometimes💀
Enjoy your harvest buddy, this is a tasty one my friend <3 <3 <3 well done <3 <3 <3 sorry about the lost buds :( Growers love and keep on Growing <3 <3 <3
🙏🙌🙏🙌 congrats with this harvest, enjoy !! those 20 gram mold is nothing indeed when u have 200gr great buds! or dit u wiegh it with the stems and branches??😆
Im i bit late.. but i have been enyojing my harvests a bit too much too 😁👍