
Alaska Comeback Story

a year ago
Room Type
weeks 10-11
weeks 10-11
weeks 5, 10-11
weeks 9, 15
Grow medium
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
1.44 L
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Walter_the_Ragamuffin Walter_the_Ragamuffin
a year ago
This was close to worst case scenario upon my return from the vacation - they had stayed the same size, wilted off their first leaves, curled up and turned purple. I feel as though they were on the brink of dying. The dramatic light stress of 24 hours, high pH watering and lack of growing space, they barely made it through. I wish I had taken a photo of the root ball when I popped it out of the dome kit when I finally did transplant them - one big ball of roots with a little leaf on top! With a little more care and education on my part, they started to make a small comeback. I adjusted the light schedule to 18/6 and pH all of my water from that point forward. My tent was arriving soon and I was eager to transplant them into their new pots.
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Grow Questions
Walter_the_Ragamuffinstarted grow question a year ago
Is the structure of the plant at this stage affected by a stunt when they are in the seedling stage? I am curious to know if my plants seem too small or if they are average size - I chose not to defoliate due to them being so short - would appreciate any input here! Thanks
Plant. Too short
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Whiteybulger1814answered grow question a year ago
There are many many variables that can determine the size of your plants, genetics, pot size, lighting and so on, they don't look stunted to me and they look healthy and thriving to me...Just keep doing what your doing BUT if you feel as though they're stunted or not as big or want to do more, I would increase the intensity of your light if possible, move it closer but your going to have to make sure your DLI is on point as well, RH and temp..You can download VPD buddy to get your parameters
Walter_the_Ragamuffinstarted grow question a year ago
Very interested to hear everyone's input about this - Do you pH your water to 6 and then add the 2 tablespoons of GO BioThrive Bloom? OR do you add the BioThrive Bloom to your water, mix and then start the pH process?
Feeding. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago
You want your pH to be set after additives. It’s all about the pH when you input the feed in the medium
Walter_the_Ragamuffinstarted grow question a year ago
Defoliation. Do you all think that I should defoliate below the canopy? I relatively haven't touched them or defoliated for quite a while, and was planning on perhaps leaving them alone, especially now they are in the flowering phase. Would you suggest I defoliate the lower 1/3?
Techniques. Defoliation
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m0useanswered grow question a year ago
I like how yan402 thinks, however I was told no direct light should touch the floor of your tent/medium or its wasted wattage. always a leaf catching something. the whole process of defoliation is to increase airflow between bud sites to prevent budrot. If you got good airflow and fans penetrating the canopy moving air past everything I would not worry about it. Getting extra light to the lower buds is also good but unless you supplement with under canopy lighting its never gonna be all that even with defoliation. The sun can do some of that. its much more powerful. Good Luck!
Walter_the_Ragamuffinstarted grow question a year ago
Are the tips of my plants looking normal? I had a random comment from someone that I may be going overboard on my nutrients - the very tips of my plants are turning white-ish neon green and I am wondering if this is due to the plants natural process in flower? Can I correct?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Feeding. Deficiences
1 like
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago
Na man I think you’re fine. It is a sign of overfeeding but I see it slightly on almost all my grows in flower. You want to push it right to that threshold of being too much IMO.. just keep an eye for other signs going forward and monitor runoff to be sure.

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Hou_Stonecommentedweek 13a year ago
It's beautiful !! good luck 😻💪👆😻
TickleToastcommentedweek 20a year ago
Almost done! Woot!!!
yan402commentedweek 14a year ago
Good looking plants you got there, now I see them more closely I'm sure they are ripe for a defoliation of fan leafs especially in the middle of plants and bottom.
Crashoveritecommentedweek 21a year ago
What a beautiful garden mate. Well done 👌✌️
Crashoveritecommenteda year ago
@Walter_the_Ragamuffin, doing my first run in many years now and having a great fun. Hopefully after harvest will be happy as well. Great day bud ✌️
Walter_the_Ragamuffincommenteda year ago
@Crashoverite, I really appreciate it!! Super happy with my first run :)