7/12 Mac N Jack has sprouted and looks good. It’s only been 4 days since I first took the seed out of the package and we’re already at day 1. This has to be the fastest I’ve seen any seed go yet, hopefully a good sign for things to come.
7/15 I decided to mix up some half strength nutes using just silica, calmag, and Jack’s 20-10-20 Peat Lite, .7 EC, 6.3 pH. Fed until I saw runout out the bottom.
Just went back and looked at the first few weeks of life and it’s moving right along! You’ve got it down to a science on turning them into a perfect round shrub
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, yeah I'm still trying to settle on my preferred way of training a single plant to fill a 3x3. Small tweaks here and there have led me to this, but I'll probably be experimenting for awhile before I get it just right.
@Crashoverite, I appreciate the kind words but she's gone. After the 2 pollen sacks burst I decided to call it and chopped her down. On to the next grow.