Day 43 of Flower 🌸 I just pHed the reservoirs to 5.75.
Day 44 of Flower 🌸 I add a gallon of nutrient solution to each reservoir.
Day 45 of Flower 🌸 I just pHed the reservoirs to 5.75.
Day 46 of Flower 🌸 Biscotti Punch was Harvested. I also added a gallon of nutrient solution to Space Skunk.
Day 47 of Flower 🌸 I pHed Space Skunk to 5.75.
Day 48 of Flower 🌸 I added another gallon of nutrient solution to Space Skunk.
Day 49 of Flower 🌸 I performed a nutrient/water change as Week 8 Flower begins tomorrow.