So I am still doing a little LST but I think I'm done with that for now. I removed a couple leaves on each that was just in the way.
The front on is growing better/bigger than the other one.
I do see pistils on the bigger one.
We are at 4wks and 2 days and I hope they still veg out a little more. I also hope they stretch to the moon.
They had in the soil when I potted them. I assume it's probably all used up so I started using the FOOP line up. Veg1&2 + a sweetener. I'm almost out of sweetener because last grow. I used most the bloom too. I usually don't need to feed in veg so I end up with extra veg nutrients and use the flower nutrients.
I always amended my soil because I have been reusing it for 3years or more.
All the other plants in the tent are my crosses.
Apple cider kush (Apple fritter x X18 cider kush)
Tatooine donut (Layer cake/ chocolate nightmare x Jawa pie)
They all got topped and defoliated top fans.
Stay tuned to see them all grow.
Thx growmies