Made up a tea mixture of some locally sourced worm castings with Dr Earth Bud an Bloom booster, an about 2ml of Cal mag. Let that aerate for about 24 hours. Then cut the mix to a 1:1 ratio. I know thats pretty hot but wanted to see what I could start to push. Have a little rusty looking spot on 1 of the plants. Not sure what it is, i'll post some pics an keep you posted. That was week 2 I got fucked up on my photos. These included are weeks 3 an starting 4. Had some weird orange spots on 1 of the 4. Needed up clipping off in defoliation. Did some LST with some old ass plant tape. Hit it with about a 1/4 cup of marine cuisine added to my earthworm casting tea. Fed them on 8-18 watered them about a liter each 8-20. Brewing some more Dr Earth Bud & Bloom, worm castings, an molasses with rain water