Another solid week of nugget growth. I have been watering twice per day with each plant getting 0.5 gallons per watering. I typically use nutrients in the am and then flush when needed in the afternoon. Nute burn seems to be minial at this point.
@nonick123, thanks bud! They are certainly frosty and stinky!
I put cedar wood chips on top of the coco. Definitely seems to keep the moisture in the substrate versus humidity in the tent.
@Hudson2384, awesome, thanks for the feedback! What does IPM stand for? And I agree, I love the cedar wood chips. I was having a musty smell prior to adding them now it smells like weed and cedar, I want to make this a cologne or candle or some shit!
@dul3l3s, Yes you seem to be coming along nicely. I like to veg out a lot but I don't think you have the height clearance that I do. Just as a rule of thumb the plants will double in since once you change your light cycle. I'm loving the wood chips there good IPM. I also saw Your defoliation in week 7 which was nicely done. You seem to be doing quiet well so keep it up.
@dul3l3s, gracias por la info!
Si tienes suelo vivo te recomiendo que utilices heno o paja, que hace el mismo efecto y además se descompone poco a poco para alimentar a los microorganismos
@nonick123, thanks bud! They are certainly frosty and stinky!
I put cedar wood chips on top of the coco. Definitely seems to keep the moisture in the substrate versus humidity in the tent.