Week 1 went pretty smoothly!
On day 1 the light intensity was set to 35% at a height of 34 inches. That resulted in a bit too much stretch for my liking so I lowered the light to 24 inches on day 2 and increased the intensity to 50% as well. That seemed to tame the stretch. This first week is all about letting the seedling do it's thing on it's own, so that's what I try to do.
I did water the plant once this first week, on day 5. I used plain tap water and applied toward the edges of the cup in hopes that the roots would reach out better. I like to use a pump sprayer for almost all of my watering needs. I watered about 8 oz.
Week 2 will be a big week as I will be transplanting from solo cup to the final pot, a tall 5 gal fabric pot, packed with Michigan Made Mix (M3) Supersoil.
@BudBoutique, thanks BB! I ended up being about a week too late adding my dry amendment of fish bone meal. I should have added earlier, I got fade way too early, and then it corrected itself. I've got the timing down with top dressing photos right before I flip but I am still mastering when to top dress my autos.