unlike common perception, your contorl over such things is severely limited.
well-balanced diet and near-max DLI is all you can do. products taht promist bigger buds are simply lying. read the ingredients. these "special" products are made with ubiquitous things that are found in all fertilizer, anywhere, everywhere.... there's nothing special about it.
also, boosting p/k blindly is not wise, which is another common belief. too much is simply too much. and giving too much is a net-negative. there's a "right" amount and it is relative to other nuts fed, pH, VPD, light .. nearly all environmental factors.... while there may be more than one ratio of nutes that technically work, some are more optimal than others. it's messy and complicated. nothing a person can resolve growing a handful of plants. people that feel confident about such things are just engaging in masturbation.