Sun May 21 - I churned the soil, but I think this will be the last time.. It's difficult to do it because the foliage is now
in the way and I don’t want to tear or inure a leaf. Also, I can tell the soil is drying out better now that
the plants have been in their soil for 3 weeks. They are uptaking the nutrients more and drying out the
soil naturally.
Tue May 23 - I fed the plants with CannaMax Silica, RapidStart, Diamond Nectar and Floralicious. It is also the first
time that I'll be using the ChitoSal in the form of a spray. The first 2 times you use ChitoSal during the
growing phases is in a spray bottle. After that, you add it to the regular feeding.
- The ChitoSal is recommended to be used right as the lights are turning off…The longer the plants remain
wet with the ChitoSal, the better.
Wed May 24 - I sprayed the plants with ChitoSal right as the lights were turning off. I sprayed the plants until they
were pretty wet. I read that it's okay to soak the plants. It said that the amount to spray on the plants that
would be considered too much would be astronomical.
Thu May 25 - The plants looked great after their soaking in ChitoSal.
- I also raised the lights a bit higher to 32 inches above plant canopy and I cranked them to the max level
Fri May 26 - I fed the plants with CannaMax Silica, RapidStart, Diamond Nectar, Floralicious and CalMag
- This is the first feeding with CalMag for this grow. I find that I always wait another week, then I start to
see the Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies…so this time I'm going to start it as the soil is now depleted.
of it. Plus, when using LED lights, you end up needing CalMag more than if you were using HID lighting.