Germination started on Tuesday with 3 seeds using the paper towel method. Super simple and the most effective method that I have found to date. Simply placed the seeds between two sheets of paper towels and sprayed with water. Gently put the paper towels inside a bag and sealed it up around 80% before blowing into it to create a humidity bubble for the seeds. Closed it off quickly to keep as much air in the bag as possible. Placed them in a dark cupboard and waited.
....And 48 hours later they had sprouted. Straight into soil plugs that had been soaked in a Plagron Power Roots solution of 1:1000ml and put under the lights dimmed to 30% power. The height of the lights is about 75 cm or 30inches from the stand (not the seedlings). Light schedule is on 18hrs / 6hrs with an automatic humidifier set to 70% and a small fan to keep the airflow consistent.
24 hours later (Friday evening - start of day 3) - the little seedlings had really found their way towards the light, but they were struggling to get rid of their shells. Sprayed a fine mist over the leaves to soften the shells and removed them gently.
Day 4 - The best of the remaining two unnamed seeds were chosen and aptly named "Max" after a famous Gorilla. "Max and "Chong" were repotted into the hydroponics system. Two different systems in order to facilitate an experiment (or rather a friendly bet). One system made from a simple black car wash bucket with a lid and the other from a more expensive brand, specifically designed for hydroponic growth. The substrate used in the netted buckets are clay pebbles. Air pumps have been placed into the bottom of each of the buckets with an air stone. In the black buckets, extra care was taken to try avoid any light entering the holes that were made for the air pump by using tape. The water has a solution of 1:1000ml of Plagron Power Roots solution as well. The seedlings were looking healthy with their first leaves starting to show.
Beautiful mainlining bro! Are you gonna have 8 true mains on Max and also leave those 8 "secondarys" in the center also? I normally like grow pretty much the same way but I leave only 4 "secondarys" after the second main-lining and this looks way more better/uniform! Will definitely try training like this the next time. Chong is also looking way strong for a cripple😊
@Budophile, I definitely understand and agree. A lot of energy is lost there. What I will try do is leave the main 8 going up, any others that start stretching I will try bend and use that space.
We can call is v2.0 for sure,
This is the first time I’m mainlining this way. I’ve done it the other way for years. But maybe this way allows more equally spread of everything…hopefully!
Yeah of course they'll take some energy from the "mains" but I dislike the conventional main-lining where you get 8 branches and the center gets left open if you don't tie some of the mains toward it. This way we'll get 8 nice big fat colas and with proper trimming of the lower nodes on the secondary shoots 8 decent sized colas as well and all the space gets used. Never have I seen a "tutorial" doing it this way so shall we call this method "Main-Lining v2.0"😊
@Budophile, thank you for such a nice compliment. Yes, there will be 8 main sites rising up. Trying to keep the plant from stretching too fast so the sites are closer, so they can fatten up nicely together! Let’s see what they look like in 5 weeks! I know that maybe the secondary will take energy from the plant. I’ve cleaned it before, willing to leave it this time.
Chong is trying, she has been through a lot but big ups to her for believing in herself😂