Week 7:
Watered in water soluble amendments. Filled with tap water when resevoirs were dry. She is getting chonky on a few branches. Didn't move the light up because they haven't given me any sign I need to. I'd have better spread if I did but at this point I'm letting her ride.
Might pose some difficulty trying to hang the entire plant by the stalk, it's very tall.
Probably another 2 weeks at least. The mother plant was harvested on day 69F. But that shouldn't mean much since this one is in a different tent, under a different light, grown in a different season, vegged for longer, treated poorly, fed different and more amendments. So I am interested to see how different this cultivar strays from the mother plant's phenotypical expression I saw in my first grow.
It's insane to think that this thing has probably been alive for close to 6 months.
Might miss next week. Or it'll be a picture palooza, who knows.
Happy Holidays, Growmies!
Wow buddy!! super nice buds forming up
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾