Germinated the seeds in closed container with soil at 26C and left them to grow for 1 week under Philips TL 33watt.
I could have saved a few seeds as i only have space to put 8 of them but i like to sellect the best ones ofcourse. I keep a few of them as spare ones in case 1 of the sellected ones is not doing well.
I prepared the slabs with EC1.4 and PH5.2 and after draining them they have PH6.3 and EC1.4 to give them a perfect start.
In the first weeks i only water them 2x per week as they dont use so much water yet.
As you can see in my other diaries... I am only growing Dutchfem Seeds because these guys are from my hometown Eindhoven and i always loved to smoke their strains.
So far they have never let me down, super friendly staff, very helpfull and next day delivery in Holland.