Nov 16th
Day 1 of the 6th week! Watered today and added cal-mag. Plants are starting to flower nicely and a growing like crazy. I haven't done any LST since the last big training day last week. I will need to do some light training to a few tall colas.
Tomorrow I will get LST done and some defoliation. Need to get defoliation done asap to uncover the latest nodes to get them as much time as possible to catch up. Really impressed with this plant, I'm thinking we are in for a really good yield if we keep doing this well!
Side note - new diamond mylar came in to redo the walls in the grow room. Will do this and remove carpet after this grow. We also have 2x NEW TENTS ON THE WAY!! Nothing big, but I have equipment laying around to get these going so I can get multiple strains going at once and start working with photos and autos at same time. Really excited about this! It doesn't end there. Big upgrades to follow sooner than later!.
Nov 17th -
Got defoliation all finished up, wish I would have worked a bit harder on it earlier to get it done over longer period. But the plants are looking nice and perky after they had there lights out period. Lowered down a couple of the bud sites that had a good bit of extra height to them. Start of a fun grow week!
Not much to say. Plants are continuing along nicely and reacted well to the defoliation. Added a few pics. Haven't touched anything since the 17th. Going to need to water tomorrow otherwise, onwards we go!
Plants were nearly bone dry today. Watered them late tonight with a light dose of big bloom, tiger bloom and boomerang from fox farms. Posted 1 pic of the canopy....I think it speaks for itself. This strain is so resilient and an absolute beauty through the entire growth process!
To be continued...
P.S. I feel like I should be compiling notes for the entire week as well as photos to post the entire week at once? Adding photos and notes after creating the week doesn't update status of the diary so that seems to be the best option I would think? Sure would be nice if you could do a draft of the week then post it when the week is finished so I don't have to keep notes in 2 places. If anyone has a good way they are doing it, I would love to hear!
@alexthegoodman, lol, it is really good growth but I think the pictures are deceiving. I have photos from the 28th as well and that alone is extremely noticeable growth! Thank you!