Hello! Hello! This week has been another solid week in the books. I did quite a bit of defoliation this week as the ladies were in need of it. Wanted to open up some airflow for them as well as get some of those lower bud sites some light. I am currently feeding about 3 gallons a day as these girls are drinking quite a bit. First gallon I feed is from the extra I mixed on res change for the week, then I have typically been going with RO water and Cal-mag for my other two. I am still learning and figuring out feedings, but so far so good this run. I am thinking I should have done a second trellis net as well, they just keep stretching, but seem like they should be pretty close to done, but still more than I anticipated. Quite a bit different from my first run, those plants were super short and bushier, more of the typical Indica style. I think its definitely easier to defoliate and train these plants, but that could be my knowledge has grown a little as well. No plans to do anything else to them other than monitor the environment, keep up with my res and monitor that, and make sure these light penetration and airflow is good!
As always, any tips, comments, questions, or recommendations always appreciated and welcomed! 👊👊
@Jsammy09, Photoperiods are great, all I grow before was autos till I got some courage and my first photo were the Killer Kush in my first diary here. And I love photoperiods now! They grow much bigger and the 12/12switchnis really not that hard.
@Metatronix, Thanks bro 👊👊 Yeah I think I should have probably gotten it up, but I just kept putting it off or going back and forth on whether or not I need it lol. I do that with a lot of things 😂😂. I'm just glad I got the first one up because it was 100% needed, but hey, just more room for improvement on my next grow. I think I am going to go with some photos though, thinking about running humboldts blueberry muffin.