
Grow 2 (Mango Sorbet Autos)

10 months ago
Room Type
weeks 3
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Mango Sorbet
Avg. success
Mephisto Genetics - 93%
Mango Sorbet - 100%
Commented by
Skiny Skiny
a year ago
Seeds started in glass of water with a bit of hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours then placed directly in soil. Sprouted 10/28/23. Pics are from Day 2. Lights at 250 PPFD.
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Grow Questions
Skinystarted grow question 10 months ago
I have major clawing and it is not improving. Additionally, all of the fan leaves completed dried and needed to be removed. It is in 80/20 FF ocean forest/FF Happy frog. Watered 1/3 gallon every ~3 days. No nutrients yet. Not sure how to correct this.
Leaves. Curl down
Polyphemusanswered grow question 10 months ago
over defoliated and overfed.. even ifyou didn't add any the soil must have been hot AF. that's a common attribute of FFOF. also, based on how you describe your watering habits, that likely contributed to what you see. Seems like you are choosing a volume to give and that's wrong. You give what is needed and you learn how much in hindsight as far as planning how much to mix up for an irrigation (if fertilizing). You water until the entire volume is wet. A little runof ensre sthis, but in soil runoff is just leeching the nutes you paid for that come with the soil. Minimize runoff in this context. you'll know how much water you need in hindsight once you complete a full cycle and start irrigating at a consistent loss of mass from the pot -- i.e. how heave it feels. so saturate entirety... get a little runoff or be certain through familiarity there are no dry pockets resulting after an irrigation. Wait until top 1" dries and repeat. Feel the weight of the pot. If it is "that" light each time, it will require the same volume of water. This is how you know how much water is needed. This is relative to water capacity of the medium used and how quickly you re-irrigate. If you fill the pots the same way next time and repeat same process of watering, it will be the same volume needed next time too. Same exact process when you do need to add fertilizer. dry pockets are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad... even if they don't cause a problem the first time they occur. It's a fucking catastrophe wating to happen. this is how a buildup of minerals can occur, one of several ways. Also, proper habits promote deeper roots and a healthier rootzone more robust at avoiding infection. Superficial roots are a sign of shitty watering habits. I rarely see roots in the top 1/2" to 1" of medium. I am soilless so it's a slightly different context, but as far as root formation goes follows the same rules as to why you see this or that. Superficial roots are less effective and just a drain on the plant once they stop functioning as roots.. jsut long "stems" at that point with no foliage and doing nothing for your plant but wasting resources. fox farm as a company sucks. just a fact. Ive used the ffof before and it worked fine. I've read some batches are much hotter than others, so their consistency sucks. therefore they suck. There nutes suck. Bad ratio, nasty shit that makes your house smell, lol.. but that's more about choosing to use soil as the organic stuff smells like horrible on average, lol. Fox farm is a problem wating to happen every single grow.. they are useless but popular for some reason. fixing watering habits may be a big part of the problems you see... if the soil is too hit, you need to run excess water trhough it and try to leach off some of the nutes. this is complicated by the fact you likely have to supplement more with fertilizers after you do this... and have no idea of what it is missing or what is proper. But, diluting the soil's fertilizer content would be accomplished, then observe and react with adjustments to fertilizations as needed. I'd get you rwatering habits aligned first... see how that goes then try flushing a bit. you don't wantn to strip "everything" but you may need to dilute it a bit. Your plants were very lush, indicating too much N or Mg . glossiness and overly dark green (too lush) is N-tox. Plus it looks like you decimated the foliage.. that plant has so few leaves it's potentially in shock. You might get some overly stretchy grwoth as a result or it may slow down significantly. it'll be putting a ton of resources into growing more leaves instead of putting those resources into the flowers. ------------ if you want consistent no-brainer results, consider a soilless medium. 70/30 coco/perlite or 50/50 sphagnum peatmoss/perlite. Vermiculite is actually better than perlite because it also adds some plant-available silica. Hwever, perlite works fine too and often comes pre-packaged. i've used both and see no discernable difference. Soilless is fertilized every single time with a well-balanced nutrient formula aorund 6 pH. you give enough to get a consistent 10% runoff waste water. this water is fine for gardens but not a pottedplants.. or simply send it down the drain. Same with soil above -- don't let a pot sit in its piss (runoff). The 10% runoff maintains a consistend EC in your medium and avoids any possiblity of buildup due to watering habits. Only an imbalance in the formula could possibly cause a toxictiy or deficiency if you follow good watering habits for soilless, which makes diagnosign issues easier if you can always rule out mineral buildup or ph swings as a possible cause before you even start. It is the easy button. there is a tone of research to guide you to a proper formual. 1.3-1.5 EC with npk ratio of 1-1-2 and K/Ca/Mg ratio of 4-2-1. Very small adjustments would be made after that initial formula. you may need more or less overall concentration due to local variables, but the ratios will remain roughly the same. You may find due to water source you need more or less magnesium or calcium etc... These ratios are not perfect, but tehy are so close that anythign symptom you see will be minor and slowly progressing, which makes them easy to fix. take notes and amend formula for next cycle... easy as pie. within 2-3 grows you'll have perfectly helathy plants from seed to harvest with zero to no effort or thought needed. just my 2 cents.. soil has advantages too. to be fair, a living soil that you only have to water from start to finish is low-maintenance and fucking awesome. However, there's definitely more trial and error to get to that point. i have no idea how to go about doing it, but it is possible and can work very, very well. the problem with that tiral and error process is any issues you ahve are not going away until the next grow when you adjust soil amendments to correct the issue.. not soemthing you can do mid-grow. an early transplantn can intriduce a different medium, but after that you are stuck with what is there and what you can supplement, so a tox issue is a virtually unfixable nightmare unless you leach everyhing out of the soil, which has it's own numerous drawbacks.. a hellish nightmare, lol..

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Lemonhazeloverweek 2
Nice choise strain, good luck buddy ☘️
@Lemonhazelover, Thank you!
Goldenweek 2
I’m seeing some great things in your diary. Wishing you fat and stinks nugs 🔥🍀 Cheers, Golden 🌞
@Skiny, More fire 🔥
@Golden, cheers!
BudBoutiqueweek 2
Happy start - Happy Growing 🧑‍🌾