So this one took a while to pop out of its seed husk. The tap root was surrounded by a black casing, which I've never seen before. The taproot had to push through it as if it was a seed coating. This took a few days, once it did the taproot was about .75 of an inch long. Seems like it was growing inside the seed until enough pressure built up to push out. I didn't take pictures as I was in a hurry to put it in soil.
I potted it up in soil, and put it back in the humidity dome on the heat mat. Once it pushes through the soil I will take it out and put it under regular growing conditions and 20 hours of light.
She has popped out of the soil and took some time opening up. Had the inner casing still stuck on it but she's free now.
Has anyone ever ran Nana Sorbet from Square One Genetics? I also don't see it as an option for the breeder square one genetics. Is there a way to get it added?
No idea, but you can just type in the breeder and strain name and In the dropdown it will say custom breeder with the breeder name and strain, then just click that.
Yes, I have and it will shed it shortly. Also, seeds germinate best in dark environments. The presence of light tends to inhibit their growth, so as long as it's warm keep the light off until you see the seedling popping above the soil.
Interesting! I’m curious as to why the embryonic leaves are curling upwards. One mines leave curled downwards and is a complete mutation, which makes me curious as I don’t really understand what’s happening. Anywhoo, beautiful babies are growing in your garden!
@Nebula999, I believe it has to do with how the tap root started. It struggled to break free and once I planted it, it needed to be encouraged to grow downward. I believe that same thing caused the upward curl of the embryonic leaves that are curling upward.
@@redeyefalcon, agree. This one had root troubles from the beginning. I feel as though that might be the reasoning for all what's going on. She seems to be pulling though.