Did some major defoliation this week to fully expose each bud sight to encourage more even ripening.
Plant 1 is basically done, some amber Trichomes are showing up and I’m fairly happy with cutting her at any moment (I’m just waiting for the Herbdryer to be free.
Plant 2 has a much looser bud structure than plant 1 I think because I didn’t defoliate heavily enough earlier on in flowering. Her Trichomes are further behind than plant 1 also.
I’m still continuing to give a once weekly feed of compost tea but I am tapering down how much Orgatrex I add to 1ml/l.
@Mosquito_Haarlem_Holland,thank you, I’m excited to try genetics by Fastbuds! I also have a mixed pack from Fastbuds that I will be documenting when they germinate