Very excited to start a new grow!!
Placed the seed in a wet paper towel inside a zip lock bag and put it on the inside of the cabinet.
Whilst this is germinating I can setup and clean my tent and get the substrate ready.
This will be my first time using Biotabs nutrients and also the first time I won't be using the hydroponic DWC method.
Hoping for yet another great grow and tasty end result!
Transfered seedling to coco medium which I prepared with Bio Tabs nutrients.
Soaked the medium with Orgatrex and Bactrex disolved in tap water.
Set the light schedule to 18/6
Added some more water with nutrients because the medium felt dry.
Might have overwatered a bit since a lot of water ended up in the bottom tray.
I'll let it dry out a bit the next days before adding water again.