Alright, so check this unfortunate ish out....we lost two more plants to hermaphroditic traits!
I know, it's crazy but what can you do? I'm not growing out herms only to ruin my other plants ya I pulled them up as soon as I was tipped off about the possibility of them herming. Sure enough, two of mine had done so.
At least Pheno 3 is monster and she looks to be all women like numerous 2 as well. So we're still in the competition for the most part lol. We'll just have to really focus on these two girls and make them shine bright is all 😉.
I ended up giving the girls a compost tea last week of wizard brew (alpaca manure and beneficials) and some insect Frass Ferment (every week). They're loving that so I'm going to continue with it.
The five gallon was given some pride Lands Bloom since she's going to need it being in a smaller container that's on its 3rd cycle! Regardless she's looking good after a little defol.
Well that's that for now. Let's see how these girls stack up!