Day 62. As you can see one has come down I needed/wanted a bit of day time smoke and the biggest one was the furthest with mostly cloudy and a few clear which I like for day time. Glad I did this buds fairly strong and makes me kinda lazy. Deff feel euphoric so can't wait to see how it is when fully finished. Really just Cruze control their drinking is slowing down. I've started watering every other day. One in the back that had its own pot isn't flushing as fast as is taking on more purple tones she's deff the frostiest but they're all deff impressive for autos with no phed water being used.Smell is crazy furnace turns on and the whole house smells its almost stomach turning smell of wedding cake and that kind of sweet gas it had has turned into a rotten garlic smell idk how this has happened neither parent is know for this smell while I like it deff has one of them stomach turning pungent smells so don't know how much I'm looking to trimming so might hippie trim this batch. Anyway hope y'all's week is well they're doing great.
@Dabking, thanks deff feeling this crossike someone took a skunk and dumped gas on it now that it cures for about a week single nig will stink up a room