Le foglie stanno ingiallendo rapidamente e cadendo sembra si nutrano solo dalle foglie,ho provato a dare 02 ml calgreen sperando le svegli a mangiare dal terreno.
Spero vada tutto bene ancora per almeno 2 settimane.Comunque hanno un ottimo aroma fruttato al lampone 😍
Oggi ho irrigato,2lt.acqua + 4ml Woodoojuice + 8gr. sale di epson per dare un po di magnesio. A una pianta che mi sembrava manchasse azoto,aggiunto 250ml macerato d'ortica che da come ho letto alza un po l'azoto.
I forgot, about appearance, if you mean pistils are getting already brow or orange its fine if you have your lights in the right set ( height and PPFD ). If this is the case that means you have left about 21 days more to harvest, more or less. If not, can be caused by direct blowing from a fan. Hope this can help you a little bit. Best wishes🍀
My friend, those buds looks fine. If I´m correct you are at the middle of week 4 flower. Drastic changes can come in any moment also depends on genetics. If you want to you can see in my diaries that I have 3 girls showing how 3rd week of flower ended and there are differences between buds size.
Your girls looks great, so don´t worry and keep it up!