It’s a really hard plant to take photos of! It’s so squished behind the massive tropicanna and then the frosted guava is squeezed in there - if I were to do 4 plants again I’d do the Dutch method with less vegging - although I am just about to germ some more seeds. I figured in 6 weeks time, these plants will be VASTLY different, I would Imagine.
I also must admit, I do find it hard doing everything I need to do in there before 11.30am which is when the lights go out because from 20:30 to 08.30am, electricity is substantially cheaper - so I’m paying extra for the couple of hours after 8;30 but it allows me to have some time to get in there and do things. Electricity is so fucking expensive atm and I’m still having to buy medical cannabis in the full quantity (80g/month) so I just need a successful harvest and it’ll REALLY unburden me a bit and stop me having to worry as much….
I was surprised to see that this week it actually started to compete with the tropicanna, so it’s still stretching for sure!
You can see from the photos that it’s now taller than the tropicanna.
I need to get in there and defoliate, only I’m in benzodiazepine withdrawal and so I’m finding the effort hard! It does seem to be rewarding me though - I just need to get my timings better next time.
I’m looking at ‘original sensible seeds’ strains for the next grow - they just have so many 28-33% strains and so iv decided it’s a good idea. When I start saving money that is currently being wasted on cannabis, I will actually upgrade it so I have two of the fc-e3000’s in there and mainly dim it right down. It just leaves room for expansion - I also like how they are smart now and Mars Hydro assured me, if I daisy chain my current non smart fce3000 to a newer ‘smart’ one then it will also behave in a smart manner.
The thing that puts me off, if I’m honest, is the app. I use it for my fan and iv still not got the Wi-Fi connection to work, just Bluetooth. It’s very odd - iv tried everything, including resetting everything. Iv never come across an app that when you try to connect to wifi it doesn’t search and give you options of which network to pick, it expects you to write it in….its really weird.
I expect this plant to really take off when i have harvested the massive tropicanna, it’s kind of dominated the grow- and isn’t even an impressive, red pheno (annoyingly) but damn she makes up for it in smell. May sound stupid but totally tropical terps - she is less greasy and WAY further into flower than the frosted guava and yet the frosted guava is already more sticky and resinous - just less visually.
I’m going to lollipop her this week I think because there is loads that is just creating popcorn - and I don’t like popcorn really!
You hold a certain button on your controller for 5 seconds and a Bluetooth display should pop up then you search on your device for Bluetooth. Wifi is great though you can monitor while away from home.