
Blueberry Cheese. BioBizz

Approved by Barney's Farm
a month ago
Grow Conditions
Week 13
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
smokingskills smokingskills
9 months ago
The plant is almost ready for cutting. I watered it this week with water, and on March 14, I added 1 ml of Top-Max. The leaves on the cones have turned a little purple. The trichomes were completely clean at the beginning of the week, and in the middle of the week I noticed a few amber ones, which is very strange because I didn't see any white ones. Life hack: You need to examine trichomes at night. It was hard for me to distinguish the color of the trichomes with my "microscope", so I decided to look at the plant when the lights were off. Since my microscope was between a flashlight, the trichomes were very clearly visible.
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Grow Questions
smokingskillsstarted grow question a year ago
I had noticed that my girl has one cut on her leaf (see 1st picture) And some spots (2nd picture) Did someone know what it is?
Organomananswered grow question a year ago
This is nothing to worry about, not a disease or deficiency of any sort, only slight "blemishes". Just plant will ever have 100% perfect leaves, 100% of the time.
smokingskillsstarted grow question a year ago
Is it possible to use the lst method for an autoflowering plant, every time I see that you can bend and fix a branch under the lamp? I'm worried that it will be extra stressful for it, but I also don't want it to be too tall. When is it advisable to stop bending?
Techniques. LST
HeavyHittahanswered grow question a year ago
You can LST right up until the stems start to harden at the budding stage. It's low stress that's the point. But what I have found with autos is heavy defoliation is a bigger stress to the plant. So don't go too heavy on leaf stripping just selectively defoliate when needed. First 3 or 4 weeks with autos leave them to grow as the aim at this stage is to build a strong root system. Once that is established they can usually handle a good leaf strip (if needed) If your plants is growing tall LST is fine. It's a good method to shape the plant how you want it.
smokingskillsstarted grow question a year ago
Can I cut off these leaves? I am worried that this is an autoflowering plant and it will be an additional stress for it. But it also seems to me that it is spending some effort to keep these leaves alive and it would be better if it spent this effort on the buds.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
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TheUk420Showanswered grow question a year ago
I remove dead leaves you will find with larger canpoy alot of leaves dont get light so they do die off if you dont remove them they will become a place where little bugs can hide and they will also give off ethonol I think it is. people do use them as mulh but these people are using living soil methods which is the only really use for dead fan leaves. Best of luck :)
smokingskillsstarted grow question a year ago
After the last watering, the upper leaves began to curl actively, what could be the reason? The fertilizers I gave were the same as last week. Ph was also good.
Leaves. Curl down
Organomananswered grow question a year ago
If it was over watering, the entire plant would be affected. This is severe nitrogen toxicity from feeding too much or too often...........or both. Plain water until she recovers is the only real option. When you finally resume feeding, half of what you were giving previously should be a good place to start. "Flushing" with huge amounts of water can make things worse, by releasing even more nitrogen from the substrate, increasing the problem, not helping the issue.
smokingskillsstarted grow question a year ago
The leaves started to turn a little yellow, but they were fine under the light. I also created another grow question with this plant, the upper leaves began to curl. Thanks!
Leaves. Color - Red or pink
CZ420CZanswered grow question a year ago
Its bad PH, 6.3 for substrate isnt good. Raise PH to 6.5-6.8 - when adjusting pH, you can aim for a different value with each watering. For example, you can adjust your pH to 6.2 for one dressing and 6.6 for another. If you stay in the 6.0-7.0 range, everything should go according to plan. Check run off PH, Biobizz lowers PH
smokingskillsstarted grow question 10 months ago
Over the past four days, the tips of the leaves have begun to dry out, what could be the problem? The 300w lamp shines only 75% at a distance of 50cm. My second ceyote plant feels very good under it and has no problems.
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
CZ420CZanswered grow question 10 months ago
They seems both burnt bro. Sorry I forget tell you, its better use half doses than Biobizz recommends. For now still use only water for recovery, I know it tempts you to use fertilizers. Less is sometimes more, use only Bioheaven now, one day only water- next watering with Bioheaven and again water .......... to recovery. You can adding them 2ml/l of heaven its boosting stimulant and protects plants.
smokingskillsstarted grow question 10 months ago
Hi everyone! I am concerned that my buds have a very faint odor (you have to almost touch the plant with your nose to smell it well). Could it be because I have a powerful fan? Or will the herb take on an odor over time or after drying?
Buds. Other
CZ420CZanswered grow question 10 months ago
She was damaged too much, now she giving energy to trying buld new leaves this is why she have smaller buds, smell will appear with their rippening.
smokingskillsstarted grow question 10 months ago
Hi all! I currently have 2 plants growing. 1 of them has clearly bloomed faster and I will have to harvest it earlier. Because I have only one grow box and I don't know where to dry it. Can I put them somewhere for two weeks to wait for the 2nd one? Could u tell me what to do?
Other. Harvest - Drying
Meksteranswered grow question 10 months ago
You could just grow the plant another week. Harvest a week late and a week early. Other than that, if you chop, I do not know of any two week storage options that are any easier than setting a drying space.

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CZ420CZcommentedweek 5a year ago
Hey man, can I have question? What are you using to lowering PH, its bio or just PH down with red phosphorus? Coz if you lowering PH with PH downer whitch isnt BIO, that biobizz will affect salinization of substrate. That means bio ferts arent bio. Im using for lowering PH vinegar its safe👍. Hope they will be fine😷
smokingskillscommenteda year ago
@CZ420CZ, Moc děkuji!
CZ420CZcommenteda year ago
@smokingskills, what Im see on first photo,your watering is good. Edges of pot are dry, its good. You need first fix PH in substrate, thats problem nr1, these crowled leaves are Nitrogen toxicity. If you flush them with untreated water 2x your pot size 28L, they will be fine. It shouldn't take more than 3 days to fix you will see, dont worry. Keep your water PH 6.5-7
smokingskillscommenteda year ago
@CZ420CZ, thank you mate! Do you think it's worth watering with the same amount of water, or should I increase or decrease it a little? In my case it’s 700ml
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CZ420CZcommentedweek 1010 months ago
Now you gain some experiences, always is better wait 5 weeks with feeding. Its first grow its okay, you cannot wait massive outcomes only hope. Small size of plants is from light, next time hang lamp higher from 70 cm.
BrigadeDesTerpscommentedweek 3a year ago
Good luck and happy growth 💪🏻🦍
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 1a year ago
Best of luck with the new hobby 🌱🌱 ✌️😎💨
CZ420CZcommentedweek 910 months ago
Ok, start giving her bloom ferts at half doses. After flush she need it, try hang light higher 5-10cm these leaves can be from light burn bcz its bleeching at tops. Yeah Im think its too strong light
Dunnruss63commentedweek 710 months ago
Looking good , good grow!